产品名称 Ward's® Live Mixed Pond Protozoa
产品货号 WARD470180-184
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Specially Prepares "Real-Life" Combinations

  • No need to collect the samples yourself, we've created real-life mixtures
  • Comes with dichotomous key

The world is teeming with a wide variety of microlife, making studying samples of pond water complicated especially for the beginning student.

To lessen the confusion, WARD’S has prepared different culture mixes that reflect protist combinations that occur in the real world, yet eliminates the hundreds of other life-forms found in a collected sample.

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials and will ship via overnight or 2nd day delivery. Our choice of five from the following are placed into a single jar: Amoeba, Blepharisma, Chilomonas, Colpidium, Euglena, Euplotes, Paramecium, and Stentor.

Delivery information: Please specify a delivery date during checkout.
