产品名称 Science Take-Out® Enzymes And Lactose Intolerance
产品货号 119R
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
How Do Enzymes Help People With Lactose Intolerance?

  • Available As A Single Kit With Materials For 1 Student Or Group
  • Unassembled 10 Pack For Additional Savings
  • No Additional Equipment Needed

How does the dietary supplement LACTAID work to help people with lactose intolerance? Model the action of the enzyme lactase. Conduct tests to determine whether LACTAID, an enzyme supplement, digests lactose. Design and conduct an experiment to determine if acid interferes with the action of the enzymes in LACTAID. This complete experiment setup contains all materials and does not require lab equipment.
