产品名称 Chemistry of Life SuperModel Kit
产品货号 COL 1
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Construct Numerous Key Biochemicals with One Kit.

  • Reusable year after year
  • Produce amino acids, sugars and much more!

Illustrate a variety of sugars, amino acids, triglycerides, and peptide bonds. You can also demonstrate functional groups containing oxygen such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, ethers, emols, acetals, ketals, and esters, as well as functional groups with nitrogen such as nonsteroidal hormones, vitamins, DNA bases, and 1°, 2°, 3° amides. The models are easy to set up and are flexible, durable, and economical. The kit includes 22 carbons, six oxygens, 20 hydrogens, four halogens, four nitrogens, and 48 connectors to make single, double, and triple bonds, as well as an instruction sheet.
