产品名称 Long Ranger™ Sequencing Reagents, Lonza
产品货号 50640
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Long Ranger™ sequencing reagents are designed for the high performance sequencing on ABI Prism® 377 and Li-COR® Sequencers.

  • Long Ranger™ gel solution offers expceptional results for sequencing and STR analysis
  • Applications: DNA and RNA sequencing, STR analysing, identify testing, genotyping, different display
  • Storage temperature upto 18 - 26 °C

Single™ pack contains all necessary reagent for casting a single gel in a pre-measures, ready to use pouch. Gel™ Slick solution is a safe alternative to hazardous silance based coating solution and it is suitable for sequencing gel and coating microcentrifuge tubes.
