flexcell品牌细胞6孔压力细胞培养板(6-well BioPress® Plates) |
flexcell品牌BioFlex 6孔双向应力细胞培养板(6-well BioFlex Culture Plates) |
flexcell品牌6孔单向应力细胞培养板(6-well Uniflex Culture Plates) |
flexcell品牌HT BioFlex 24孔培养板(24-well HT BioFlex Culture Plates) |
flexcell品牌圆形Tissue Train 6孔三维细胞养板(6-well Tissue Train® Culture Plates) |
flexcell品牌Tissue Train 6孔梯形三维细胞养板(Trapezoidal Tissue Train® Culture Plate) |
flexcell品牌Tissue Train®双轴向圆形泡沫环三维培养板 |
人破骨培养板(lonza PA-1000,OsteoAssay Human Bone Plate) |
康宁骨法表面多孔板(Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,24 well culture plate)¥3113.49
人破骨培养板(Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,96 well culture plate) |
Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,96 well culture plate |
354400,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I, Rat Tail Multiwell* Plates |
356400,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I 6-well Multiwell Plates, tissue-culture |
354500,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I 12-well Multiwell Plates |
BD Falcon* Tissue Culture Plates |
BD Falcon™ - 6-well Cell Culture Plate, tissue-culture treated |
96-Well Treated Tissue Culture Plate |
Remel - Slide Culture Plates |
Tissue Culture Test Plates |
GREINER BIO ONE CELLSTAR Tissue Culture Plates: 6-Well,12-Well,24-Well,48-Well |
Millicell 24 & 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plates |
Millicell 24-well Cell Culture Plate |
xCELLigence System - E-Plate Insert |
CytoOne 12-Well Tissue Culture Plate |
whatman 96 Well Bacterial Growth Plate |
cosmobrand Co-Culture Plate |
Ultra-Low Binding Culture Plate
Grid Plates-6 Well Tissue Culture Multiwell Plate with Grids|Pioneer |
353503,BD Falcon™ 12-well Cell Culture Insert Companion Plate with lid,tissue-culture treated polystyrene. |
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well |
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, High Binding, 96-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, High-Binding, 24-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, High-Binding, 96-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, High-Binding, 24-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS/MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well
3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS/MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
UltraCruz™ Tissue Culture Plate, 384 Well, Clear, Flat bottom, 32/cs |
UltraCruz™ Tissue Culture Plate, 384 Well, White, Flat bottom, 32/cs |
Millipore® Millicell® cell culture plate inserts pore |
Millicell 24 & 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plates |
millipore Cell-based Assays for Drug Transport |
MultiScreen Plates and Millicell Inserts with Polycarbonate and PET membranes |
MultiScreen plates and Millicell Inserts with MCE membrane |
MultiScreen Plates and Millicell inserts with PTFE Membranes |
Cell Cultureware and Accessories |
ECM Proteins and coated plates |
Millicell Cell Culture Inserts |
sc-204469,UltraCruz™ Polypropylene Storage Plate, 96 Well, clear, 1 ml, U Bottom, individually wrapped, 50/cs
sc-204470,UltraCruz™ Polypropylene Storage Plate, 96 Well, clear, 2 ml, V Bottom, individually wrapped, 50/cs
sc-204471,CrystalCruz™ Electrophoresis Plate, Glass, 10x8 cm
sc-204472,CrystalCruz™ Electrophoresis Plate, Glass, 10x10.5 cm
sc-205890,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
sc-205891,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Skirted, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
sc-205892,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Fast, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
sc-205893,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Fast, 384 well, 30 ul 25/pk
sc-205895,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate Seal, Pressure Sealing Micro Mat, 5/pk
sc-205896,UltraCruz™ PCR Clear Adhesive Plate Seals, 100/cs
8609-0160 60 x 15 mm polystyrene stackable petri dish, 20/sleeve, 500/case $79.00 |
8609-0010 100 x 15 mm polystyrene stackable petri dish, 20/sleeve, 500/case $79.00 |
8609-5010 100 x 13 mm compact polystyrene slippable petri dish with side arrows and isobars, 30/sleeve, 600/case $85.00 |
8609-0215 150 x 15 mm polystyrene slippable petri dish with side arrows and isobars, 10/sleeve, 100/case $65.00 |
5662-7102 35 x 10 mm petri dish, PS, 8.5 cm2, triple vents, 10/bag, 740/case $119.75 |
5663-9102 145 x 20 mm petri dish, Greiner Bio-One, 15/sleeve, total 120/case $82.25 |
5668-8102 120 x 120 x 17 mm square polystyrene petri dish, Greiner Bio-One, non-sterile, 10/sleeve, total 240/case $269.75 |
43150012-1 Petri Dish, Media-Saver, Slippable (60 x 15), 500/CS $68.73 |
43150019-1(455018)Petri Dish, Compartmented Bi-Plate, Stackable (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $82.76 |
43150021-1(455022)Petri Dish, Compartmented X-Dish, Stackable (100 x 15mm), 500/CS $84.91 |
43150020-1(455020)Petri Dish, Tri plate, Compartmented Y-Dish, Stackable (100 x 15mm), 500/CS $82.88 |
43150001-1(447238)Petri Dish Dispenser Rack $52.70 |
43150017-1(229021)Petri Dish Rack, 100mm (26-Dish Cap.)$135.82 |
43150016-1(447236)Petri Dish Rack, 100mm (54-Dish Cap.)$112.04 |
43150007-1(229022)Petri Dish Rack, 60mm (64-Dish Cap.)$188.55 |
43150018-1(229020)Petri Dish Rack, 60mm (66-Dish Cap.)$257.29 |
43150008-1(455024)Petri Dishes, Automation (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $74.33 |
43150015-1 Petri Dishes, Fully Stackable, Mono (100 x 15 mm)500/CS $74.39 |
43150024-1(455010)Petri Dishes, Industry Standard Stackable (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $74.38 |
43150022-1(455012)Petri Dishes, Media-Saver Stackable (60 x 15 mm), 500/CS $57.40 |
43150014-1 Petri Dishes, Slippable, Deep Mono (100 x 20 mm), 400/CS $72.97 |
43150013-1 Petri Dishes, Stackable, Extra Deep Mono (100 X 25 mm), 340/CS $75.56 |
43150023-1(455014)Petri Dishes, Standard Slippable (150 x 15 mm), 100/CS $62.87 |
43150026-1 60x15mm Petri Dishes $68.31 |
30900002-1(458533)CellStar Tissue Culture Dish, 145 x 20mm Sterile (120/CS)$295.02 |
INFORS品牌细胞培养袋(shaker bag) |
日本三菱厌氧培养袋 |
二氧化碳培养袋 |
灭菌均质袋 |
takara 细胞培养袋 |
VueLife 细胞培养袋 |
Lonza细胞培养袋 |
Gibco® Cell Culture Bags |
Pre-filled Wave Cellbag®,0070037BA,Prefilled Wave with Sf-900™II(Custom) |
Pre-filled Wave Cellbag®,0070049BB,Prefilled Wave with FreeStyle™293(Custom) |
GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10564-037,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, HEPES,5 L, ¥2550 |
GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10564-045,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, HEPES,10 L,¥3780 |
GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10566-032,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™,5 L,¥2550 |
GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10566-040,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™,10 L ¥3780 |
GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10569-069,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, Pyruvate,5 L,¥2550 |
美天旎170-076-400,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 100 |
美天旎170-076-401,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 250 |
美天旎170-076-402,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 500 |
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL07,PermaLife Bag-7ml(7-12ml)
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL30,PermaLife Bag-30ml,(30-50ml)
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL70,PermaLife Bag-70ml,(70-145ml)
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL120,PermaLife Bag-120ml,(120-265ml)
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL240,PermaLife Bag-240ml,(240-725ml)
PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL325,PermaLife Bag-325ml,(325-1100ml)
OW0419,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,4 x 19cm,Used with Cryostore bag-Cryovials |
OW0909,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,9 x 9cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS25
OW0918,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,9 x 18cmUsed with Cryostore bag-CS25,CS50
OW1430,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,14 x 30cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS250,CS500,CS750
OW1935,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,19 x 35cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS1000
OW1950,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,19 x 50cm,Used with Cryostore bag-Custom
origenbio,Solid Tissue Cryopreservation Bags |
Stem Cell Freezing Bags |
7800105,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 50mL Fill Volume – 15 Bags per Box |
7800107,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 250mL Fill Volume – 10 Bags per Box |
7800102,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 2-Liter Fill Volume – 5 Bags per Box |
7800106,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 100mL Fill Volume – 10 Bags per Box |
7800101,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 1-Liter Fill Volume – 5 Bags per Box |
Cell Differentiation Bags - Miltenyi Biotec |
Cell Expansion Bags ( #170-076-403 ) |
一次性引流袋 |
Magenta® B-cap Jar Lid,no vent,价格:5226元(1000个/箱) |
Magenta® GA-7 Plant Culture Box w/lid,价格:2640元(100 each) |
Magenta® GA-7 Plant Culture Box,w/o lid,价格:2230元(100个/箱) |
Magenta® GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/lid 价格:2560元(100个/箱) |
Magenta® GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/o lid 价格:2045元(100个/箱) |
Magenta® GA-7/7-3 Vessel Lid价格:960元(100 each) |
Magenta® Plant Culture 7-Way Tray 价格:2905元(50个/箱) |
MV-201278,100ul圆底内管 |
MV-201280,conical inner tube Serum,100ul血清圆锥形内管 |
MV-201282,100ul Conical inner tube Lithium-Heparin,100UL锂肝素圆锥形内管 |
MV-201288,200UL圆底钾EDTA采集管 |
MV-201289,200UL圆锥形内管 |
MV-201290,200UL圆锥内管 |
Microvette CB200,MV-201291,Serum-Gel-200ul Round Bottom,200UL圆底血清凝胶,Sample Collection,Prepared Collection Tubes.html |
MV-201292,200UL圆底肝素锂采集管 |
MCB 16440,血清凝血活性剂采集管 |
MCB 16443,锂肝素采集管 |
MCB 16444,血液钾EDTA采集管 |
MCB 16446,葡萄糖,氟采集管 |
20ul橙色佳毛细血管 |
20ul红色佳毛细血管 |
20ul中性,白色佳毛细血管 |
1.3ml柠檬酸制备螺丝帽微管 |
1.1ml血清凝胶制备微管 |
1.3ml血清活性凝血制备螺帽微管 |
1.3ml等离子锂肝素制备螺帽微管 |
1.3ml血液钾EDTA制备螺帽微管 |
MLT 151670,血清凝血活化剂采集管 |
MLT 151671,血液钾EDTA采集管 |
MLT 151672,葡萄糖氟采集管 |
MLT 151673,等离子锂肝素采集管 |
MLT 151674,血清凝胶凝血激活采集管 |
MLT 151675,等离子凝胶肝素锂采集管 |
1.1ml血清凝胶裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
1.3ml血清,裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
1.3ml肝素锂裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
1.3ml EDTA裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
0.5ml柠檬酸,裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
0.5ml柠檬酸,裙边、锥形底座和标签、封闭推盖预备微管 |
Glass Test Tubes (Disposable),25x100mm (144个/包) |
Glass Test Tubes (Disposable),25x150mm (144个/包) |
Glass Test Tubes,25x150mm(72个/包) |
Magenta® 2-Way Test Tube Cap for 25 mm diameter test tubes |
flexcell StageFlexer硅胶膜(StageFlexer Membranes) |
flexcell StageFlexer硅胶膜(StagePresser Membranes) |
货号 |
品名 |
价格 |
Micro Scissors,微型剪刀
INS14177 |
McPherson-Vannas, straight, 7cm long, 0.1mm tips, 3mm blades
询价 |
INS14177-G |
McPherson-Vannas, straight, 7cm long, 0.1mm tips, 3mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14124 |
McPherson-Vannas, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
询价 |
INS14124-G |
McPherson-Vannas, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS500260 |
Vannas Scissors, angled 45° to side, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
询价 |
INS500260-G |
Vannas Scissors, angled 45° to side, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14003 |
Vannas Scissors, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
询价 |
INS14003-G |
Vannas Scissors, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14122 |
Vannas Scissors 8cm Curved 5mm Blades 0.1mm tips |
询价 |
INS14122-G |
Vannas Scissors 8cm Curved 5mm Blades 0.1mm tips, German made |
询价 |
INS500086 |
Vannas Scissors, straight, 8.5cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades
询价 |
INS14127 |
Spring Scissors, curved, 10.5cm long, 8mm blades
询价 |
INS14127-G |
Spring Scissors, curved, 10.5cm long, 8mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14125 |
Spring Scissors, straight, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades
询价 |
INS14125-G |
Spring Scissors, straight, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14126 |
Spring Scissors, curved, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades |
询价 |
INS500228 |
Noyes Scissors, straight, 12cm long, sharp/sharp tips, 15mm blades
询价 |
INS500228-G |
Noyes Scissors, straight, 12cm long, sharp/sharp tips, 15mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS15905 |
Spring Scissors, straight, 14cm long, 8mm blades
询价 |
INS15905-G |
Spring Scissors, straight, 14cm long, 8mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS15906 |
Spring Scissors, curved, 14cm long, 8mm blades |
询价 |
INS15906-G |
Spring Scissors, curved, 14cm long, 8mm blades, German made |
询价 |
INS14111 |
Spring Scissors, straight, round handles, 14cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades
询价 |
INS14111-G |
Spring Scissors, straight, round handles, 14cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades, German-made |
询价 |
INS14112 |
Spring Scissors 14cm Round Handles Curved 7mm Blades |
询价 |
INS14112-G |
Spring Scissors 14cm Round Handles Curved 7mm Blades, German made |
询价 |
Small Animal Surgery Tray,小动物手术托盘
LS-4490 |
Small Animal Surgery Tray (Elastic Stays sold separately) |
询价 |
LS-3550-1G |
Blunt Hook Stays, dual lead, 12mm hook, individually packaged |
询价 |
LS-3350-8G |
Blunt Hook Stays, single lead, 12mm hook |
询价 |
LS-3316-8G |
Blunt Hook Stays, single lead, 5mm hook |
询价 |
LS-3311-8G |
Sharp Hook Stays, single lead, 5mm hook |
询价 |
LS-3314-8G |
Sharp Hook Stays, single lead, 3mm hook |
询价 |
LS-3205-8G |
Blunt Hook High Impact Stays, single lead, 5mm hook |
询价 |
LS-3111-4G |
Sharp Hook Stays, double ended, adjustable, 5mm hook |
询价 |
INS500085 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,)Dumostar, 12cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips |
询价 |
INS500233 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Dumostar, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips |
询价 |
INS14096 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Titanium, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips |
询价 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Dumoxel, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips |
询价 |
INS500235< |
Dumont #55, biology, Dumostar, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS501202 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Biologie, self closing 11cm length, 0.05 x 0.01 mm tips |
询价 |
INS14099 |
Dumont #55, biology, Inox, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS500341 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Inox, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS14101 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) bent at 45° angle, Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS500232 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) half curved, Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.02mm x 0.06mm tips |
询价 |
INS14095 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS500234 |
Dumont #5B, bent at 45° angle, Inox, , 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS14400 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Titanium, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips |
询价 |
INS501201 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Medical 90 degree bent, 11cm length, 0.05 x 0.01 mm tips |
询价 |
INS501985 |
5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Inox, Finest tips 11cm length, 0.025 x 0.005 mm tips |
询价 |
Needle Holders,剪刀式针
INS14109 |
Needle Holder, serrated, straight, delicate, 12.5cm long |
询价 |
INS14109-G |
Needle Holder, serrated, straight, delicate, 12.5cm long, German made |
询价 |
INS14110 |
Needle Holder, serrated, straight, 12.5cm long |
询价 |
INS14110-G |
Needle Holder, serrated, straight, 12.5cm long, German made |
询价 |
INS14137 |
Castroviejo Needle Holder, wide serrated tips with lock, 14cm long |
询价 |
INS14137-G |
Castroviejo Needle Holder, wide serrated tips with lock, 14cm long, German made |
询价 |
INS500223 |
Castroviejo Needle Holder Straight With Lock 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws |
询价 |
INS14080 |
Needle Holder 14cm Handles 0.3mm Str Jaws |
询价 |
INS14080-G |
Needle Holder 14cm Handles 0.3mm Str Jaws, German made |
询价 |
INS14081 |
Needle Holder 14cm Round Handles, Curved, 0.3mm Jaws |
询价 |
INS14081-G |
Needle Holder 14cm Round Handles, Curved, 0.3mm Jaws, German made |
询价 |
INS15926 |
Needle Holder 14cm Straight Serrated T/C Jaws |
询价 |
INS15926-G |
Needle Holder 14cm Straight Serrated T/C Jaws, German made |
询价 |
INS500224 |
Crile Wood Needle Holder 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws |
询价 |
INS500225 |
Mathieu Needle Holder 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws |
询价 |
INS500226 |
Ryder Needle Holder 13cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws |
询价 |
INS14356 |

Forceps with Tying Platform, straight, 8.5cm long(8.5cm 长直捆扎器) |
询价 |
INS14359 |

Forceps with Tying Platform, angled, 8.5cm long(8.5cm 长曲度捆扎器)
询价 |
INS14089 |
Friedman Ronguer, 12cm long, 2.5mm jaw width
询价 |
INS14089-G |
Friedman Ronguer, 12cm long, 2.5mm jaw width, German made |
询价 |
INS14091 |
Blumenthal Ronguer, 15cm long, 3mm jaw width
询价 |
INS14091-G |
Blumenthal Ronguer, 15cm long, 3mm jaw width, German made |
询价 |
INS14292 |
Micro Friedman Ronguer, 16cm long, 1.3mm jaw width
询价 |
INS14292-G |
Micro Friedman Ronguer, 16cm long, 1.3mm jaw width , German made |
询价 |
INS500358 |
Liston Bone Cutting Forceps, 19cm long
询价 |
INS500369 |
Barraquer Retractor, 4cm long, 10mm blades, 30mm maximum spread |
询价 |
INS500369-G |
Barraquer Retractor, 4cm long, 10mm blades, 30mm maximum spread, German made |
询价 |
INS14130 |
Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades, max. spread 24mm
询价 |
INS14130-G |
Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades, max. spread 13mm, German made |
询价 |
INS14131 |
Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades-closed, max. spread 24mm |
询价 |
INS14240 |
ALM Self-retaining, serrated, 7cm long, 4 x 4 prongs
询价 |
INS14240-G |
ALM Self-retaining, serrated, 7cm long, 4 x 4 prongs, German made |
询价 |
INS146500 |
Agricola Retractor 1.5” (3.8cm) 3X4 4mm |
询价 |
INS500388 |
Adjustable High Temp. Cautery, Fine Tip, 815°C to 1148°C, sterile |
询价 |
INS500389 |
High Temp. Cautery, includes 1 replacement battery and 1 fine tip |
询价 |
INS500390 |
Low Temp. Cautery, includes 1 replacement battery and 1 fine tip |
询价 |
INS500391 |
Low Temp. Cautery Kit, includes 1 replacement battery, 3 fine tips, and 2 long tips |
询价 |
INS500392 |
High Temp. Cautery Kit, includes 1 replacement battery, 3 fine tips, and 2 loop tips |
询价 |
INS500393 |
Disposable High Temp. Loop Tip, 1093°C, sterile |
询价 |
INS500394 |
Disposable High Temp. Fine Tip, 1093°C, sterile |
询价 |
INS500395 |
Disposable Low Temp. Long Tip, 593°C, sterile |
询价 |
INS500396 |
Disposable Low Temp. Fine Tip, 704°C, sterile |
询价 |
INS501090 |
Adjustable Low Temp. Cautery, Fine Tip, 371°C to 648°C, sterile |
询价 |
低吸附枪头 |
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
产地 |
价格/规格 |
tx-563l |
100ul filter tip, low retenti |
进口 |
1139元 |
ts-2778l |
10ul steady-rak tips, low binding long reach gradu |
进口 |
239元 |
tx-300brl |
10ul tip, low retention, 10 rks/96 gilson style. |
进口 |
479元 |
ts-200rfl |
200ul natural tip, low binding pyramid ecostack re |
进口 |
239元 |
tx-350br |
300ul tips, box racks, 10 rks/96 per unit, univers |
进口 |
319元 |
ts-10brls |
10ul sterile tip, long reach, low binding pyramid1 |
进口 |
369元 |
tx-350brls |
300ul tips, ultra low retention sterile box racks, |
进口 |
449元 |
ts-10rfl |
10ul tip long reach, low binding pyramid ecostack, |
进口 |
279元 |
ts-200brl |
200ul natural tip, low binding pyramid 10rks/96 un |
进口 |
279元 |
ts-200l |
200ul natural tip, low binding pyramid bulk 1000/b |
进口 |
149元 |
ts-10brl |
10ul tip long reach, low bindiing pyramid 10rks/96 |
进口 |
339元 |
ts-200brls |
200ul natural tip, low binding sterile pyramid 10r |
进口 |
289元 |
ts-2776l |
200ul steady-rak tips, low binding graduated pyram |
进口 |
229元 |
ts-10l |
10ul tip long reach, low binding pyramid bulk 1000 |
进口 |
169元 |
tx-300l |
10ul tip, low retention, bulk 1000/bag gilson styl |
进口 |
219元 |
tx-200brl |
200ul tips, ultra low retention, 10 racks/96 |
进口 |
449元 |
SUPERMAX Velocity™乳胶手套 |
货号 |
简述 |
价格 |
G-4009-XS |
Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, X-Small |
1195元,792元 |
G-4009-S |
Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Small |
1195元,792元 |
G-4009-M |
Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Medium |
1195元,792元 |
G-4009-L |
Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Large |
1195元,792元 |
G-4009-XL |
Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, X-Large |
1195元,792元 |
GeneMate八连排0.2ml带立盖的PCR管 |
0.2ml thin-wall thermal cycler tube with dimensional uniformity throughout the sidewall and the conical bottom.
Optimum uniform contact with the thermal cycler temperature block is ensured, resulting in consistently superior well-to-well temperature transfer and rapid cycle times.
The top surface of the tube is chamfered to smoothly guide the cap to a secure locking position.
The "snap seal" design gives positive and absolute assurance the tubes will resist popping open during thermal cycling and incubation stages. |
货号 |
数量 |
颜色 |
简述 |
价格 |
Strip caps only: |
T-3014-1FC |
125 strips of 8 |
Optically Clear, Natural |
8-Strip Caps, Flat |
234,160元 |
T-3014-1C |
125 strips/pk |
Natural |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
212,150元 |
T-3014-2C |
125 strips of 8 |
Assorted |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
T-3014-BC |
125 strips of 8 |
Blue |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
T-3014-GC |
125 strips of 8 |
Green |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
T-3014-RC |
125 strips of 8 |
Red |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
T-3014-PC |
125 strips of 8 |
Purple |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
T-3014-YC |
125 strips of 8 |
Yellow |
8-Strip Dome Caps |
224.5元 |
Strip tubes & caps together: |
T-3218-1 |
125 strips of 8 |
Natural |
8-Strip Tubes and Flat Caps |
1447.5,825元 |
T-3218-1CS |
10 packs of 125 strips of 8 |
Natural |
8-Strip Tubes and Flat Caps |
13024.5,7425元 |
T-3014-1 |
125 strips of 8 |
Natural |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1447.5,722.5元 |
T-3014-1CS |
10 packs of 125 strips of 8 |
Natural |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1302.4.56502.5元 |
T-3014-2 |
125 strips of 8 |
Assorted |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1500,815元 |
T-3014-B |
125 strips of 8 |
Blue |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1471元,815元 |
T-3014-G |
125 strips of 8 |
Green |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1471元,815元 |
T-3014-R |
125 strips of 8 |
Red |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1471元,815元 |
T-3014-P |
125 strips of 8 |
Purple |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
147.05,81.50 |
T-3014-Y |
125 strips of 8 |
Yellow |
8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps |
1471元,815元 |