多孔培养板的搜索结果: 50 条,5 页 当前为第 3
产品编号 产品名称 产地 价格/规格
HT BioFlex&tade24孔高质量细胞培养板;ht bioflex&tade;细胞培养板ht bioflex&tade; culture platesflexcell
tascl600,tascl1000,tasc tascl™ (tapered stencil for cluster culture) microplates,多细胞3d球体培养板,类胚体eb培养板tascl600,tascl1000李先生
P1-SCP-5PKibiochips p1-scp-5pk超低容量微孔板1cellplate-96well,超低容量96孔微流控微孔板,单细胞分离96孔微孔板,单细胞分离96孔微孔板, 细胞系开发96孔微孔板,干细胞分离96孔微孔板, crispr细胞系开发96孔微孔板, 单细胞裂解96孔微孔板, 单细胞多组学 96孔微孔板,单细胞 pcr测序96孔微孔板,ibiochips李先生
NK-100,MiniD,UHB,NDI,MultiMini-BH3Cinovia 品牌 ink-100系列微孔板加热器(培养箱),minid 系列迷你干式加热器,uhb 系列干式加热器,ndi 系列干浴加热器,multimini-bh3c 多块加热器 (0~99.9c)inovia 品牌 李经理
96 well-transwell® insert plates (case of 8 plates),transwell 96孔共培养板,bio-spun™ scaffolds mounted onto corning hts transwell® plates李先生
96 well-transwell® insert plates (case of 8 plates),transwell 96孔共培养板,bio-spun™ scaffolds mounted onto corning hts transwell® plates李先生
96 well-transwell® insert plates (case of 8 plates),transwell 96孔共培养板,bio-spun™ scaffolds mounted onto corning hts transwell® plates李先生
MICROWELLS FOR ASSEMBLY OF SPHEROIDS 6 WELL PLATES微球组装结构化凝胶6孔板,水凝胶微孔结构多孔板,(microwells for assembly of spheroids 6 well plates),法国4dcell李先生
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