世联博研(北京)科技有限公司正式做为Orflo中国商,主要产品包括Moxi Flow微型流式细胞仪及MoxiZ细胞计数产品系列,迷你细胞计数仪Moxi Z和掌上流式细胞仪MOXI FLOW。 Moxi GO & Moxi GO II orflo,mxf002,Moxi Flow Kit, US Version
ORFLO Technologies总部位于美国爱达荷州,拥有多项国际技术,如微流控、生物信号向电子信号转化、数据采集和分析、配套分析软件设计等,于现代细胞分析技术创新和开发,在国际细胞分析技术竞争中处于的地位。
ORFLOTechnologies 2010年开发球个掌上细胞计数仪,产品一经推出,很快受到业内广泛认可。目前推出新代迷你细胞计数仪Moxi Z和掌上流式细胞仪MOXI FLOW。
世联博研(北京)科技有限公司正式做为Orflo中国商,主要产品包括Moxi Flow微型流式细胞仪及MoxiZ细胞计数产品系列等。
美国ORFLO公司新推出的一台手持式微型流式细胞仪。她的外观灵巧,完可将她托放与掌中,便于移动,让你的实验地点不再被庞大的仪器所束缚;操作便捷,wu需受过专业培训就可以完成操作,因为锁有操作就只有两步(Plug&Play),上机10秒后就可在彩色触屏显示器上看到实验结果,简便至j。价钱方面,对于绝大多数的实验室来说,如果想拥有她,从经济角度上讲是完可行的。看到这里估计读者已经迫不及待的想进一步了解和认识她了,下面就由笔者向各位介绍这位灵动、聪慧的姑娘 — MoxiFlow(图1)。
内 外 兼 修
图2 手持式流式细胞仪
一、 库尔te原理(用于检测细胞大小及数量)
当悬浮于液体中的细胞通过小孔管时,会取代相同体积的液体,在恒定电流设计的电路中导致小孔管内外的电阻发生瞬时变化,产生电位脉冲,而这种脉冲信号的大小和次数与细胞的大小与数目成正比,因此可用于细胞计数及大小的检测。这正是谈到流式细胞仪的历史而不可避开的库尔te原理,库尔te电阻检测法属于对细胞个体的测量和三维的测量,不但能准确测量细胞的大小,更能对细胞的数量及浓度进行测量。利用库尔te原理检测细胞大小更近真实,而不像激光衍射散射原理会受到染料颜色和浓度的影响。流式细胞仪(FCM,Flow cytometry),从字面上的cytometry (细胞计数) 也看得出它与细胞计数有着一定的渊源,Wallace Coulter于1947年发明了库尔te原理,用于血细胞分析,随后1953年Coulter公司便推出了世界上台流式细胞分析仪。而以库尔te原理为主导技术开发细胞计数仪的ORFLO公司在此推出这样一台众望所归的微型流式细胞仪也便是名正言顺了,并利用其专利的薄膜传感器技术对细胞进行数量、直径等检测,获取更加可靠的数据。
二、 荧光检测(用于检测荧光信号)
MoxiFlow配置了一根532nm固态激光器和一个PMT,检测光谱区域为590/40nm ( 可检测染料:R-PE, PI, Nile Red, Ethidium Homodimer I & III, Sytox Orange等 )。对细胞大小检测的同时以传统流式的方法利用激光激发标记在细胞上的te异性荧光染料,并通过PMT进行检测,获取荧光信号。
MoxiFlow 即利用了以上两种检测方式相结合的方式,在细胞流经小孔管时,同时对细胞的大小、数目及荧光信号进行j确的检测(如图3)。
化 繁 为 简
一、 简易化操作
微流体系膜片内设细胞过滤功能,所以对于准备上机的细胞悬液wu需进行滤网的过滤,直接即可加入膜片孔内准备实验(如图4),此外膜片的窗口处为非透明材质做成,形成小的避光暗室,避免了荧光检测过程中荧光猝灭现象;仅需两步即可完成锁有操作步骤。一,将细胞微流膜片插入检测口;二,将50μL样品加入检测孔内,点击Play即可开始检测 (如图5~6);仅10秒钟即可显示出实验结果。输出数据的格式为标准的流式数据格式FCS3.1或.BMP的图像输出格式,结果数据可以以散点图及直方图(如图7)的形式表现出来,并可轻松用手触摸。
二、 程序化实验
MoxiFlow将较为常用的流式实验程序化为软件中的多个选项 (如图8,并在不断更新升级中),在实验室过程中只需点击要进行的实验名称即可完成相应的数据检测,如: 细胞活性检测、 细胞凋亡检、 多参数分析、细胞大小检测、荧光珠子检测、 细胞周期检测(coming soon)等,使用系统内相应实验程序即可,应用哪里,点哪里,wu需再对电压、荧光补偿等参数进行调整。没有经过任何专业培训的人员也可轻松操作完成,可见MoxiFlow解放了科研人员对于流式细胞仪使用操作的繁琐性及专业性,是对流式细胞仪的一次崭新的革命。
性 能 表 现
为了展现出MoxiFlow秀的检测性能,下面分别将MoxiFlow与台式流式细胞仪、成像细胞分析系统、血细胞计数板进行比较。结果发现,对于细胞的计数误差要低于其他类型产品,而计数平均值的变异系数(CV)也是小的,可见 MoxiFlow对于细胞数量的检测表现秀(图9 左);对于细胞活性的检测误差值与平均活性检测的波动性(CV)都是小的,即在对细胞活性检测的实验中,MoxiFlow依然很好地保证了数据的度和稳定性(图9 右)。
下图是MoxiFlow细胞凋亡实验的结果图,此实验是用喜树碱(一种抗癌药物)对Jurkat 细胞(白血病细胞)分别刺激不同时间(2h,6h,7h)所得到的散点图。可以评测出该药物对Jurkat细胞凋亡的作用,并给出各个群落的细胞数量、细胞浓度、占细胞总数的百分比及细胞的平均直径等信息。
Flow Cytometers
ORFLO delivers simple, affordable, yet powerful solutions for flow cytometry and cell analysis. Now you can focus your efforts on research and driving your pace of discovery, rather than all the complexity that comes with traditional, complicated flow cytometers.
ORFLO has revolutionized flow cytometry by integrating traditional fluorescence based flow cytometry with the Coulter Principle. Now for the first time direct cell counts and volume are generated in parallel with fluorescence. At the heart of ORFLO's platforms is their disposable flow cytometer sensor, which eliminates the need for cleaning, maintenance, expensive service contracts and calibration.
Moxi Flow
World's most affordable flow cytometer, ideal for single color flow, cell health and cell QC.
Learn More
Moxi GO & Moxi GO II
Increase the pace of scientific discovery with ORFLO’s next generation Moxi GO™ & Moxi Go II™ Next Gen Flow Cytometers.
Learn More
Product Code: MXF002
Moxi Flow instrument with USB power cord, US style USB power adapter, and Type MF-S cassette pack
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How It Works
Customer Data
“Plug and Play” Simplicity - Moxi Flow is the World’s first SMART FLOW CYTOMETER.
“Plug and Play” Simplicity
Moxi Flow is a fully automated, cassette-based flow cytometer that combines unparalleled ease of use with the precision and accuracy normally only associated with more expensive flow cytometers. This ultra-small instrument uses patented microfluidic thin-film cassettes that enable automatic load and measure operation. The Moxi Flow is also the only flow cytometer that auto-aligns the laser to each cassette to enable highly repeatable and robust results every time. No PMT gain adjustment is required. No warm up time required. Just insert a cassette, pipette your sample, and read the results in 10 seconds.
Select from one of our standard applications (i.e., Cell Counts, Viability, Apoptosis) or run the system in open “2 Parameter Flow Cytometry” mode for the ultimate in assay flexibility. This miniature open platform can be used for your most common cell assay needs, or to develop sophisticated, custom assays right at your fingertips.
Access your FCS compatible Data with “USB-on-the-Go”
Moxi Flow generates data using the industry standard FCS 3.1 format so you can open and analyze your results using your ORFLO’s VESTIGO software (coming soon), or any other standardized flow cytometry analysis software. Data is transferred simply and easily to a PC or MAC using a mini-USB cable and the on board “USB-on-the-Go” functionality. No additional software is required to perform the data transfer.
Cell Count with >95% accuracy
Viability with PI
Apoptosis with Annexin V
Precise cell/particle (Coulter Principle)
Blood analysis (RBC counts, WBC counts, CD4 counts, etc.)
Somatic Cell Counts in Milk
Cell Count and Viability
Flow cytometry based viability tests with simultaneous Coulter Principle Cell Counts and Cell Volume
Below are screen shots taken directly from the Moxi Flow. The left screen shot is a scatter plot of fluorescence intensity of the Propidium Iodide (PI), used to select for dead cells, versus cell volume on the x axis, converted to cell diameter. The middle screen shot is cell volume only, which shows the cell volume heterogeneity of the cancer line population along with subtle shift in the mean cell volume of the dead cell population. The right screen shot shows the fluorescence intensity of the baseline viable cell population versus the dead cell population.
Propidium Iodide was used to detect the exact cell count of the dead, non viable cells. The viability percent is displayed in the yellow text box. The concentration and volume of the viable live cells and non viable cells is displayed in the black text boxes.
Apoptosis (Annexin V) and Cell Count
Below are screen shots taken directly from the Moxi Flow. The left screen shot is a scatter plot of fluorescence intensity of the Annexin V PE versus cell volume on the x axis, converted to cell diameter. The right screen shot is cell volume only, which shows the cell volume heterogeneity of the cancer line population. Annexin V conjugated with PE was used to detect the exact number of cancer cells that were apoptotic. The percent of apoptotic cells is displayed in the yellow text box. The concentration and volume of the non-apoptotic and apoptotic cells is displayed in the black text boxes. This together with the above cell viability and cell count tests gives a read of over all cell health.
Cell Count and Transfection Efficiency Checks
Transfection Efficiency Flow Cytometery
Below are screen shots taken directly from the Moxi Flow. The left screen shot is a scatter plot of fluorescence intensity of the RFP (tdTomato, DS Red, Nile Red, etc.) versus cell volume on the x axis, converted to cell diameter. The right screen shot is fluorescence only, which shows heterogeneity the transfect RFP within the cancer line population. The RFP in this case was tdTomato. In this example there were two distinct populations of the transfected cell lines. Both are 100% positively transfected. It is possible that this could be an inidication of cell cycle, the lower population could be in G0/G1 phase with approximately half the DNA of the upper population, G2/M phase.
Rapid Immuno Profiling of White Blood Cells, PBMC’s, Whole Blood
Immono Profiling Flow Cytometry
In all tests shown in the figures below Tonbo PE conjugated flow cytometery antibodies were used.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD2 positive versus CD2 negative cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD2 antibody (RPA-2.10).
The RPA-2.10 antibody reacts with human CD2, an approximately 50 kDa glycoprotein, and a member of the Ig superfamily. CD2, also known as LFA-2, is a receptor for CD58 in the human and is expressed on the cell surface of 80-90% of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, a subset of NK cells, and all mature T cells. CD2 mediates lymphocyte adhesion and is involved in T cell activation. RPA-2.10 is reported to block mixed lymphocyte reaction. Please choose the appropriate format for each application.
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD2 positive cells versus the CD2 negative cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD3 positive versus CD3 negative cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD3 antibody (Hit3a).
The Hit3a antibody is specific for human CD3e, also known as CD3 epsilon, a 20 kDa subunit of the T cell receptor complex, along with CD3 gamma and CD3 delta. These integral membrane protein chains assemble with additional chains of the T cell receptor (TCR), as well as CD3 zeta chain, to form the T cell receptor – CD3 complex. Together with co-receptors CD4 or CD8, the complex serves to recognize antigens bound to MHC molecules on antigen-presenting cells. These interactions promote T cell receptor signaling (T cell activation), inducing cell proliferation, differentiation, production of cytokines or activation-induced cell death. CD3 is differentially expressed during thymocyte-to-T cell development and on all mature T cells.
The Hit3a antibody is a widely used phenotypic marker for human T cells. In addition, binding/cross-linking of Hit3a antibody to CD3e can induce cell activation. The antibody has also been demonstrated to be cross-reactive with Chimpanzee CD3. Please choose the appropriate format for each application.
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD3 positive white blood cells versus the CD3 negative white blood cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD4 positive (t cells) versus CD4 negative cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD4 antibody (OKT4).
The OKT4 antibody reacts with human CD4, a 59 kDa protein which acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR) in its interaction with MHC Class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells. The extracellular domain of CD4 binds to the beta-2 domain of MHC Class II, while its cytoplasmic tail provides a binding site for the tyrosine kinase lck, facilitating the signaling cascade that initiates T cell activation. CD4, and co-receptors CCR5 and CXCR4, may also be utilized by HIV-1 to enter T cells. Human CD4 is typically expressed on thymocytes, some mature T cell populations such as Th17 and T regulatory (Treg) cells, as well as on dendritic cells. The OKT4 antibody is widely used as a phenotypic marker for CD4 expression. It is cross-reactive with CD4 in several non-human species, including Chimpanzee, Cynomolgus and Rhesus. This antibody recognizes a different epitope, and thus does not block binding of, the alternative Anti-Human CD4 antibody clone RPA-T4 (Reinherz EL, et al. 1979. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 76:4061-4065)
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD4 positive white blood cells versus the CD4 negative white blood cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD8 positive versus CD4 negative cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD8 antibody (SK1).
The SK1 antibody is specific for the 32-34 kDa alpha chain of human CD8, known as CD8a or CD8 alpha. CD8a can form a homodimer (CD8 alpha-alpha), but is more commonly expressed as a heterodimer with a second chain known as CD8b or CD8 beta. CD8 acts as a co-receptor for antigen recognition and subsequent T cell activation that is initiated upon binding of the T cell receptor (TCR) to antigen-bearing MHC Class I molecules. The cytoplasmic domains of CD8 provide binding sites for the tyrosine kinase lck, facilitating intracellular signaling events that lead to T cell activation, development, and cytotoxic effector functions. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) play an important role in inducing cell death of tumor cells, as well as cells infected by virus, bacteria or parasites.
The SK1 antibody is widely used as a phenotypic marker for CD8 on cytotoxic T cells, thymocytes, as well as on certain cell types that do not also express the TCR, including some NK cells and lymphoid dendritic cells. It is cross-reactive with CD8 in several non-human species, including Baboon, Chimpanzee, Cynomolgus and Rhesus. If used together with an alternative Anti-Human CD8a clone, RPA-T8, the SK1 antibody will not block binding of RPA-T8 to CD8a.
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD8 positive white blood cells versus the CD8 negative white blood cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD11 positive versus CD11 negative cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD8 antibody (ICRF44).
The ICRF44 antibody reacts with human CD11b, also known as integrin alpha M. This 165-170 kDa cell surface glycoprotein is part of a family of integrin receptors that mediate adhesion between cells (cell-cell) and components of the extracellular matrix, e.g. fibrinogen (cell-matrix). In addition, integrins are active signaling receptors which recruit leukocytes to inflammatory sites and promote cell activation. Complete, functional integrin receptors consist of distinct combinations of integrin chains which are differentially expressed. Integrin alpha M (CD11b) assembles with Integrin beta-2 (CD18) into a receptor known as Macrophage Antigen-1 (Mac-1) or complement receptor type 3 (CR3). This receptor binds and induces intracellular signaling through ICAM-1, ICAM-2, ICAM-3 and ICAM-4 on endothelial cells and can also facilitate removal of iC3b bearing foreign cells.
The ICRF44 antibody is widely used as a marker for CD11b expression on macrophages, granulocytes, and subsets of NK cells. It is reported to be cross-reactive with a number of non-human species including Baboon, Chimpanzee, Cynomolgus, Rhesus and Swine.
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD11 positive white blood cells versus the CD11 negative white blood cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
In the screen shots below the PBMC sample was screened for the number of CD19 positive b cells versus CD19 negative white blood cells, using Tonbo’s PE Anti Human CD19 antibody (SJ25C1).
The SJ25C1 antibody reacts with human CD19, a 95 kDa glycoprotein which acts as a co-receptor, along with CD21 (CR2), CD81 (TAPA-1) and CD225 (Leu13), in support of the functional B cell receptor (BCR). This complex provides antigen-specific recognition and subsequent activation of B cells to proliferate and differentiate into antibody-secreting cells (plasma cells) or memory B cells, which are crucial for secondary antigen encounter. Upon activation and tyrosine phosphorylation, the CD19 molecule can provide an anchor for cytoplasmic signaling proteins such as GRB2, SOS or PLCG2. CD19 is a lineage-differentiation marker, as its expression is detectable at the earliest B cell stages, through development, and is finally lost upon transition to mature plasma cells.
The SJ25C1 antibody is widely used as a phenotypic marker for CD19 expression on B cells, as well as on dendritic cell subsets.
The Moxi Flow Flow Cytometer Cell Counter (Coulter Principle based) is able to clearly separate out the CD19 positive white blood b cells versus the CD19 negative white blood cells, delivering a highly accurate and precise count of the two populations. The fold difference between the positive and negative white blood cells is a simple relative protein quantitation method.
Moxi GO & Moxi GO II
Product Code: MXG001_MXG002_MXG102
Moxi GO 532nm laser (MXG001)
1 PMT - 561nm/LP filter (e.g. PE, PI) - US Version
Moxi GO 488nm laser (MXG002)
1 PMT - User-swappable 525/45nm (e.g. FITC, GFP) or 561nm/LP (PE,PI) filters
Moxi GO II 488nm laser (MXG102)
2 PMT system 525/45nm (e.g. FITC, GFP) and 561nm/LP (PE, PI)
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How It Works
3 or 4 Parameter Next Gen Flow
Increase the pace of scientific discovery with ORFLO’s next generation Moxi Go™ or Moxi Go II™ Next Gen Flow Cytometers. With a one (Moxi GO) or two (Moxi GO II) fluorescent channels, swappable filter sets (MXG002 - Moxi GO 488nm), configurable laser the Moxi Go can be designed to meet your labs cell analysis needs. Every assay also delivers simultaneous cell count & volume determination, using single-use flow cell. This eliminates the hassle of traditional flow associated with cleaning, maintenance, clearing of clogs, cross contamination and occasionally replacement of bottles and tubes.
Furthermore the Moxi Go™ or Moxi Go II™ use very little sample volume, 75ul's allowing you to conserver precious, expensive sample, such as stem cells. Cell concentrations as low as 10,000 cells per ml are possible, which most experiments would enable a little as 5ul's of sample diluted in 70ul's of PBS.
The Moxi Go™ or Moxi Go II™ can be utilized as an assay development instrument and many powerful cell based assays can easily be optimized and run on the system. These include:
Cell surface immuno-labeling
In-Cell Protein Quant
CRISPR/Transfection Optimization Studies
Up to 4 plex bead based ELISA's using our new on board MPX Relative Quantitation Ap
In cell Wester Blots
Reactive Oxidation Species Experiments
Calein AM studies
Phagocytosis Analysis
Mito Potential Experiements
The Moxi Go™ or Moxi Go II™ come standard with an ultra-intuitive, plug-and-play interface with free OS updates as long as you own the instrument. No prior flow cytometry experience is required you simply just plug and play.
一、Moxi Z 微型自动细胞计数仪配套芯片(Cell Counting Cassettes)
每个芯片可做2个测试。当样品1完成后,只需取出,将芯片的另一端插入Moxi Z,加入样品2。
Moxi Zte的专利保护薄膜细胞计数盒可在8秒钟内提供高精度,可重复的细胞计数和细胞大小分析(S型盒带15秒)。受球计数系统使用的Coulter原理的启发,Moxi盒每个测试通过一个细胞感测区域流动数千个细胞,以准确捕获样品中每个单个细胞的基于阻抗的体积测量。基于图像的细胞计数方法,单个细胞的基于阻抗的细胞计数被证明是超过95%的准确度,而75%的准确度。
1、Moxi Z S型细胞计数芯片(Moxi Z Type S Cassettes)
The Type S cassette is ideal for accurately measuring most yeast and other particles as small as 3 μm and up to 20 μm in average diameter including some algae and protozoa. Since the technology is based on a volumetric measurement, non-spherical particles (14 - 4,200 fL) can also be measured accurately.
S型细胞计数芯片非常适用于j确测量大多数酵母和其他颗粒,平均粒径小至3μm,直径达20μm,包括一些藻类和原生动物。 由于该技术基于体积测量,因此也可以准确测量非球形颗粒(14-4,200fL)。
Cell Counting Cassettes
Higher Performance & Simplicity in One Disposable Cassette.
Moxi Z's unique, patent-protected thin-film cell count cassettes provide highly accurate, repeatable cell counts and cell size analysis in under 8 seconds (15 seconds for Type S cassette). Inspired by the gold-standard Coulter Principle used in high-end counting systems worldwide, the Moxi cassette flows thousands of cells per test through a cell sensing zone to accurately capture the impedance-based volumetric measurement of each individual cell in the sample. Impedance-based cell counting of individual cells is proven to be over 95% accurate versus a 75% accuracy with image-based cell counting methods.
No system contamination and integrated pre-filter for clogging prevention.
Moxi cassettes are designed with a unique "cell sieve" to minimize cell clumping and clogging. In addition, Moxi cassettes contain 100% of your sample within the cassette body, eliminating the possibility for system contamination and sterilization. Cassettes are simply and easily discarded when testing is finished.
Moxi Z Type S Cassettes
The Type S cassette is ideal for accurately measuring most yeast and other particles as small as 3 μm and up to 20 μm in average diameter including some algae and protozoa. Since the technology is based on a volumetric measurement, non-spherical particles (14 - 4,200 fL) can also be measured accurately.
Moxi Z Type S Pack (25 Cassettes)
Moxi Z Type S Box (250 Cassettes)
Moxi Z Type M Cassettes
The Type M cassette is ideal for accurately measuring mammalian cells or other particles 4-25 microns in average diameter. Since the technology is based on a volumetric measurement, non-spherical particles (34-8,180 fL) can also be measured accurately.
Moxi Z Type M Pack (25 Cassettes)
Moxi Z Type M Box (250 Cassettes)
MOXI Z System Check Beads (5 mL)
Product Code: MXA005
MOXI Z System Check Beads (5 mL)
Sh List
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Application Notes
Can be used to check proper system function.
Bead Diameter
10 micron
Compatible Instruments
Moxi Z
1.1 e+5 beads/mL
Orflo Diluent
Intended Use Statement
For Research Use Only. Product is not for use in diagnostic procedures
Material of Construction
Overall Dimensions
22.1 mm^3
5 mg
Moxi Z Diluent
Product Code: MXA006
Moxi Z Diluent, 100 mL
Related Products
Application Notes
Moxi Z Diluent is special formulated for use with the Moxi Z system for optimal sizing of particles and for operation with the instrument's Small Particle Mode (SPM).
Cell Dilution
Applications Abbreviation
Cassette Types
Type M|Type S
Compatible Instruments
Moxi Z
Intended Use Statement
For Research Use Only. Product is not for use in diagnostic procedures
Kit Components
One 100 ml bottle of diluent
Number of Tests
Overall Dimensions
52 L x 52 W x 106 H (mm)
Pellet and resuspend cells in Moxi Z diluent or dilute sample with >90% Moxi Z diluent. 2. Pipette 10 uL of sample into tube 3. Pipette 90 uL of Orflo Diluent into tube 4. Gently mix resulting solution to ensure cells are evenly mixed 5. Pipette 75 uL of resulting solution into Moxi Z Cassette, or 50 uL into Moxi Flow cassette 6. Touch screen to run test
Sample Type
Mammalian Cells|Large Yeast|Large Algae|Protozoa
Storage Stability AND Handling
Store at 2-8C. Use sterile technique when handling. Dispose of waste product in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Do not inhale or ingest. Avoid contact with eyes and skin, flush affected area with water for at least 15 minutes
152 g
Moxi Z Diluent, sample
Product Code: MXA009
Moxi Z Diluent, 5 mL
See Product Specifications
Related Products
Application Notes
Moxi Z Diluent is special formulated for use with the Moxi Z system for optimal sizing of particles and for operation with the instrument's Small Particle Mode (SPM).
Cell Dilution
Applications Abbreviation
Cassette Types
Type M|Type S
Compatible Instruments
Moxi Z
Intended Use Statement
For Research Use Only. Product is not for use in diagnostic procedures
Kit Components
One 5 ml bottle of diluent
Number of Tests
Overall Dimensions
25 W x 45 H (mm)
Pellet and resuspend cells in Moxi Z diluent or dilute sample with >90% Moxi Z diluent. 2. Pipette 10 uL of sample into tube 3. Pipette 90 uL of Orflo Diluent into tube 4. Gently mix resulting solution to ensure cells are evenly mixed 5. Pipette 75 uL of resulting solution into Moxi Z Cassette, or 50 uL into Moxi Flow cassette 6. Touch screen to run test
Sample Type
Mammalian Cells|Large Yeast|Large Algae|Protozoa
Storage Stability AND Handling
Store at 2-8C. Use sterile technique when handling. Dispose of waste product in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Do not inhale or ingest. Avoid contact with eyes and skin, flush affected area with water for at least 15 minutes
11 g
Orflo Accutasea
Product Code: MXA020
Orflo Accutase cell detachment solution, 1X, 100 mL
Supporting Resources
Related Products
Application Notes
Recommended for the detachment of adherent cells and dissociation of mammalilian cell lines and primary cells
Cell Detachment
Applications Abbreviation
Cassette Types
Type M|Type S|Type MF-M|Type MF-S
Cell Types Tested
fibroblasts|keratinocytes|vascular endothelial cells|hepatocytes|vascular smooth muscle cells|hepatocyte progenitors|primary chick embryo neuronal cells|bone marrow stem cells|adherent CHO and HNK cells|macrophages|293 cells|L929 cells|immortalized mouse testicular germ cells|MIC5|3T3|Vero|COS|HeLa|NT2|MG63|M24 and A375 metastatic melanoma|gliomas U251|D54|HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells|HT29 colon cancer cells|Sf9 insect cells|human embryonic stem cells|human mesenchymal stem cells|and human neural stem cells.
Compatible Instruments
MoxI Z|Moxi Flow|zEPI Flow
Accutase® enzymes in Dulbecco's PBS containing 0.5 mM EDTA and phenol red. 1X concentrate, no preservatives.
Intended Use Statement
For Research Use Only. Product is not for use in diagnostic procedures
Kit Components
One 100ml bottle of cell dissassociation reagent
Number of Tests
Overall Dimensions
52 L x 52 W x 106 H (mm)
1. Place 100ml Accutase bottle in room temp water bath or thaw overnight in fridge 2. For Adherent Cells: a. Remove cell media b. Add 1.5ml Accutase per 25cm2 of flask area c. incubate at RT or 37C until cells detach (typically 5-15min) d. Pipette triturate to break apart clusters 3. For suspension cell aggregates: a. Pellet cells at 300xg, 5min b. Resuspend pellet in 1-2ml Accutase c. Incubate 15min d. Pipette triturate to break apart clusters 4. Count cells on the Moxi Z, Moxi Flow, or Zepi Flow (be sure to dilute samples into standard operating range of specific cassette, if they are above the stated concentration limits)
Sample Type
Primary Mammalian cells|immortalized adherent cells|non-ES cell types
Storage Stability AND Handling
Stable at -20C. After thawing can be stored for up to 2 months at 2-8C.
ACCUTASE™ is a registered trademark of Innovative Cell Technologies
159 g
Orflo Accumaxa
Product Code: MXA021
Orflo Accumax, cell dissassociation reagent, 10X, 100 mL, sterile
Supporting Resources
Related Products
Application Notes
Recommended for use with the Moxi Z and Moxi Flow platforms when working with clumpy aggregated cells. It is ideal for generating single cell suspensions from clumped cell cultures, detachment of cells from primary tissue and detachment of cells from plastic tissue culturware. Accumax is specifically designed for our combination fluorescence amp impedance based flow cytometers.
Cell Detachment
Applications Abbreviation
Cassette Types
Type M|Type S|Type MF-M|Type MF-S
Compatible Instruments
MoxI Z|Moxi Flow|zEPI Flow
10X proprietary solution of proteolytic, collagenolytic and DNase enzymes and does not contain mammalian or bacterial derived products.
Intended Use Statement
For Research Use Only. Product is not for use in diagnostic procedures
Kit Components
One 100ml bottle of cell dissassociation reagent
Number of Tests
Overall Dimensions
52 L x 52 W x 106 H (mm)
1. Place 100ml Accumax bottle in room temp water bath or thaw overnight in fridge 2. For Adherent Cells: a. Remove cell media b. Add 1.5ml Accumax per 25cm2 of flask area c. incubate at RT or 37C until cells detach (typically 5-15min) d. Pipette triturate to break apart clusters 3. For suspension cell aggregates: a. Pellet cells at 300xg, 5min b. Resuspend pellet in 1-2ml Accumax c. Incubate 15min d. Pipette triturate to break apart clusters 4. Count cells on the Moxi Z, Moxi Flow, or Zepi Flow (be sure to dilute samples into standard operating range of specific cassette, if they are above the stated concentration limits)
Sample Type
Primary Mammalian cells|immortalized adherent cells|Human ES cells|Rodent ES
Storage Stability AND Handling
Stable at -20C. After thawing can be stored for up to 2 months at 2-8C.
ACCUMAX™ is a registered trademark of Innovative Cell Technologies
159 g