AQIX? RS-I 'Ready to Use' Solution,AQIX? RS-Iwu菌化学培养基
品牌: aqix
AQIX® RS-I 'Ready to Use' Solution,AQIX® RS-Iwu菌化学培养基
AQIX® RS-I是一种质的wu菌化学培养基,可以给新鲜组织和细胞提供稳定的运输和保存环境。AQIX是一种成分稳定的化学制剂,不含任何血清或蛋白成分。培养基环境和人类血清及间质缓冲液是等渗、等压、等离子的。可适用于多种环境温度(如2℃-37℃),为人的细胞、组织或器官提供数天的稳态环境,保持样本离体活性,不改变组织的遗传学和形态学特性。经过AQIX保存和运输的样本,可同时实现下游遗传学(DNA/RNA)和形态学(HE染色等)研究。
1. 低温或常温细胞保存和运输可达120小时;
2. 稳定的酸碱缓冲环境pH7.20~7.45;
3. 干细胞在保存和运输过程中可保持分化状态;
4. 可用于有氧和厌氧环境,适用于不同干细胞类型;
5. 不含动物或人源血清;不含DMSO;
1. 适用于all组织;
2. 新鲜活检细胞和组织样本功能活性可保持长达72小时;
3. 不改变细胞或组织的基因遗传和组织形态信息
1. 与血清和间质溶液形成等渗、等压、等离子环境;
2. 体外维持器官功能;
3. 器官冲洗液的里想选择;
4. 常温条件适用于器官支持介质;
AQIX® RS-I 在体内和体外维持酸碱平衡和细胞完整性提供了里想的流体成分,如淋巴细胞(lymphocytes),红细胞(erythrocytes),干细胞(hepatocytes),心肌细胞(cardiomyocytes)。AQIX Liquid的这个特点有利于促进线粒体代谢过程中产生基础能量分子ATP,维持生命所需基本能量。红细胞不含线粒体不能生成ATP,因此AQIX中含有硫胺素焦磷酸(TPP),用于反应生成ATP以延长含有携氧血红蛋白的细胞寿命。
AQIX在许多重要的临床前研究中发挥重要作用。下图表明,AQIX可用于组织学(如HE, IHC)和遗传学(DNA, RNA提取)分析的组织样本运输。

Below are listed peer reviewed published papers and audit trial reports which demonstrate the uses of the AQIX® technology.
Peer Reviewed Papers
NEVES, L.A.A, WEI, Y., KLYUCHNIKOVA, N., KUNCE, J., KRAVITZ, D. and BROCKBANK, K.G.M. (2010): Ex vivo evaluation of cold ischemic lungs for transplantation. Society for Cryobiology. Abstract.
VEKEMANS, K., LIU, Q., HEEDFELD, V., VAN DE VEL, K., WYLIN, T., PIRENNE, J. and MONBALIU, D. (2009): Hypothermic liver machine perfusion with EKPS-1 solution vs AQIX RS-I: In vivo feasibility study in a pig transplantation model. Transplantation Proceedings. 41: 617-621.
WEI, Y., NEVES, L.A.A., FRANKLIN, T., KLYUCHNIKOVA, N., PLACZEK, B., HUGHES, H.M. and CURTIS, G.C. (2009): Vascular perfused segments of human intestine as a tool for drug absorption. Drug Metabolism & Disposition. 37: 731-736.
CURTIS, G.C. and BARNES, L. (2008): Inhaled Drugs: Fate and effects in machine-perfused ex vivo human lungs. Ex Vivo Metrics?. CRO publication; Bowman Research Inc., Chicago, USA.
MARUYAMA Y, CHAMBERS DJ. (2008): Myocardial protection: Efficacy of a novel magnesium-cardioplegia (RS-C) compared to St Thomas’ Hospital cardioplegic solution. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg 7: 745-749
KAY, M.D., HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., BAGUL, A.,WALLER, H.L., NICHOLSON, M.L. (2010) Normothermic versus Hypothermic Ex vivo flush using a novel phosphate-free preservation solution in porcine kidneys. Journal of Surgical Research, 1–8.
YUJI MARUYAMA and DAVID J. CHAMBERS (2008): Myocardial protection: Efficacy of RS-C (AQIX®), a novel cardioplegic solution, compared to St Thomas’ Hospital solution. J Mol Cell Cardiol., 44; 711-825: abst. No. 117.
AMMED YASIN MB BCh., MICHELLE C. MCDONALD PhD., AHILA SIVARAJAH PhD., JULIUS E. KIESWICH BSc., MOHAMMED M. YAQOOB MD FRCP., CHARLES J. HINDS FRCA., CHRISTOPH THIEMERMANN, MD PhD FMedSci. (2007): Clonidine Augments Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis Caused by In Vivo Ischaemia and Reperfusion.
TOSHINAGA OZEKI, PhD; MICHAEL H. KWON, BS; JUNYAN G.U, PhD; MICHAEL J. COLLINS, BS; JOHN M. BRASSIL, BS; MICHAEL B. MILLER JR, BS; RAO P. GULLAPALLI, PhD; JIACHEN ZHUO, MS; RICHARD N. PIERSON III, MD; BARTLEY P. GRIFFITH, MD; ROBERT S. POSTON. (2007): Heart Preservation Using Continuous Ex Vivo Perfusion Improves Viability and Functional Recovery. Circ J., 71; 153 –159
LIU, Q., MONBALIU, D.,VEKEMANS, K.,PEETERS, R., KEYZER, F.DRESSELAERS, T.NI, Y., VAN HECKE, P., KOMUTA, M. BRASSIL, J.MARCHAL and G., PIRENNE, J. (2007): Can apparent diffusion coefficient discriminate ischemic from non-ischemic livers? A pilot experimental study. Transplantation Proc. 39(8); 2643-2646.
HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., KAY, M.D., ATUL BAGUL, REES, D. and NICHOLSON, M.L. (2007): Rate of Cooling In Organ Preservation. British Transplant Society 10th Ann. Congress Meeting. Abstr. No. P59.
MARK D. KAY, SARAH A. HOSGOOD, SIMON J. F. HARPER, ATUL BAGUL, HELEN L. WALLER, DOUGLAS REES AND MICHAEL L. NICHOLSON. (2006): Static normothermic preservation of porcine renal allografts using a novel non-phosphate buffered preservation solution. Transplant International. 20(1); 88 - 92.
KAY, M.D., HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., REES, D. and NICHOLSON, M.L. (2006b): NORMOTHERMIC EX-VIVO FLUSH: A COMPARISON WITH STANDARD HYOTHERMIC METHODS IN PORCINE RENAL ALLOGRAFTS. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh. Abstr. 9702.
HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., KAY, M.D., REES, D. and NICHOLSON, M.L. (2006): Optimal retrieval conditions in renal transplantation. A novel non- phosphate buffered preservation solution. British Transplant Society 8th Ann. Congress Meeting. Abstr. No. 10765.
KAY, M.D., HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., REES, D. and NICHOLSON, M.L. (2005): Static normothermic preservation of porcine renal allografts using a novel non-phosphate buffered preservation solution. British Transplant Society 8th Ann. Congress Meeting. Abstr. No. P131; RA5075.
KAY, M.D., HOSGOOD, S.A., HARPER, S.J.F., REES, D. and NICHOLSON, M.L. (2005): Normothermic versus hypothermic ex vivo flush. A comparison of a novel phosphate-free preservation solution and a standard hypothermic method in porcine renal allografts. British Transplant Society 8th Ann. Congress Meeting. Abstr. No. P132; RA5077.
REES, D. (1995): In vitro bioassay techniques - questionable validity using vertical bath technology and phosphate buffered solutions. Proceedings of the Physiological Society of New Zealand, 14;19 pp.
REES, D. and CLISSOLD L.C. (1995): Effect of Res-Del® RS-C solution on the viability of isolated rat heart preparations over 1-6 hours of cardioplegic arrest. Proceedings of the Physiological Society of New Zealand, 14; 19 pp.
ANDREWS, J.R.H., AINSWORTH, R. and ABERNETHY, D (1994): Trichinella pseudospiralis in humans: description of a case and its treatment. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 88; 200-203.
ROBINSON, B.J., LEE, E., REES, D., PURDIE, G.L. and GALLETLY, D.C. (1992): Betamethasone-induced resistance to neuromuscular blockade: A comparison of atracurium and vecuronium in vitro. ( Anesth. Analg. 74; 762-765).
PARR, S.M., ROBINSON, B.J., REES, D. and GALLETLY, D.C. (1991): An interaction between betamethasone and vecuronium. (Brit. J. Anaesthesia., 67;447-451).
REES, D. (1989a): Consideration of the inorganic and organic composition of mammalian perfusion solutions. In Isolated Perfused Organ Preparations. Eds.H.J. D?ring & H.Dehnert. Biomesstechnik-Verlag March GmbH [ISBN 3-924638-57-8], 5; 85-94.
REES, D. (1989b): Isolated Perfused Kidney. In Isolated Perfused Organ Preparations. Eds. H.J. D?ring & H. Dehnert. Biomesstechnik-Verlag March GmbH [ISBN 3-924638-57-8], 5; 123-132.
REES, D. (1988): The preservation of cellular function in isolated mammalian tissues/organ preparations (Proc. Physiol. Soc. N.Z. 8; 21 pp).
REES, D. (1986): The effect of the metabolic inhibitor, antimycin A3, on the pharmacological responsiveness of the rat detrusor muscle in vitro. (N.Z. J. Medicine, 99; 244 pp).
REES, D. (1985): The effect of phosphate buffered RS-I saline on the contractility of isolated rat heart preparations. (Proc. Physiol. Soc. N.Z. 5; 18 pp).
REES, D. (1983): The effect of aspartate, malate and D-fructose on the temperature dependent inotropic effect observed in vitro in mammalian letal muscle fibres. (Proc. 9th Cong. Int.Union of Physiol. Sci., 15; 155 pp).
REES, D. (1978b): Studies of immunoglobulin G in the aetiology of myasthenia gravis. (N.Z. J. Medicine, 88 (618); 165 pp).
REES, D. (1978a): A new non-phosphate based mammalian saline for long-term neurophysiological studies. (J. Physiol. 278; 8-9).
Audit Trial Reports
Giovani Rome - CD pres over 72 hrs June 2010
Acuros - Audit Research Report Aqix RS-I-2010
D. Bunton, E. Cooper and D. Smith; Biopta Ltd, Glasgow, UK. Biopta Technical Summary - Validation of Ex Vivo Human Atrial Trabeculae [Oct, 2008]
K. Newton, Ph.D. and D. Rees, Ph.D., Aqix Ltd, Imperial College London, UK. Summary Report: Assessment of a novel non-phosphate buffered solution, AQIX® RS-I, in the isolation and 24-hour culturing of human PBMC’s in comparison to RPMI medium. [Nov, 2008]
Pharmaceutical Client, USA and D. Rees, Ph.D., Aqix Ltd, Imperial College London, UK. Comparison of the histoculture viability of human colon biopsies stored and transported in AQIX® RS-I verses RPMI. [February, 2008]
Pharmaceutical Client, USA and D. Rees, Ph.D., Aqix Ltd, Imperial College London, UK. Comparison of the stability of RNA in histoculture sections of human colon biopsies stored and transported in AQIX® RS-I verses RPMI. [February, 2008]
F Jamali, S Darwiche, Z Otrock, N El-Kinge , M El-Sabban, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon, and D.Rees, Aqix Ltd, Imperial College London, UK. Phase I - Pilot ‘Safety’ Study: Assessment of a novel non-phosphate buffered solution, AQIX® RS-I, as a volume expander in a preclinical model of hypovolemic shock. [November, 2007]
F Jamali, S Darwiche, Z Otrock, N El-Kinge , M El-Sabban, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon, and D.Rees, Aqix Ltd, Imperial College London, UK. Phase II - Assessment of a novel non-phosphate buffered solution, AQIX® RS-I, as a volume expander in a preclinical model of hypovolemic shock in comparison to LR Saline and Whole Autologous Blood. [March, 2008]
V.G. Wilson, S. Al-shalamani and S. Chinniah, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Nottingham, England, UK. COMPARISON OF RESPONSIVENESS OF PORCINE ISOLATED CORONARY ARTERIES CULTURED IN KREBS-HENSELEIT SOLUTION AND AQIX® RS-I SOLUTION. [August, 2007]
M.Tarunina, B.Huhse & Y. Choo, Plasticell Ltd., Imperial College Incubator London, UK. Comparison of the effects on functionality and cell differentiation of Mouse ES-derived cardiomyocytes following incubation in conventional TC-media verses AQIX® RS-I solution. [July, 2007]
D. Bunton, E. Cooper and D. Smith; Biopta Ltd, Glasgow, UK. Ex Vivo Human Atrium Contractility Assays: Pharmacological Responsiveness to the Vasoreactive Drug, Milrinone (Primacor®). [June, 2007]
D. Bunton, E. Cooper, L. Rankin and D. Smith; Biopta Ltd, Glasgow, UK. Long-term Functional Viability of Human Bronchial biopsies preserved and perfused with AQIX® RS-I Solution. [December, 2007]
L.Dawson, Asterand (UK) Ltd, UK. [ASTERAND PRELIMINARY PROJECT REPORT 1.0] Assessment of AQIX® RS-I solution in functional pharmacology experiments using human isolated tissue. [March, 2007]
D. J. Chambers, Cardiac Surgical Research, The Rayne Institute, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK. Aqix® cardioplegia: a study to determine the efficacy of Aqix (RS-C) cardioplegia in comparison to that of St Thomas’ Hospital cardioplegia. [February, 2007]
M.D Kay, S.A Hosgood, S.J.F Harper, M.L. Nicholson; Renal Transplant Unit, Leicester General Hospital, England, UK. Audit Trial Report I: Comparative study with conventional hypothermic preservation solutions. [January, 2005]
M.D Kay, S.A Hosgood, S.J.F Harper, M.L. Nicholson; Renal Transplant Unit, Leicester General Hospital, England, UK. Audit Trial Report II: (i) A comparison of a novel phosphate-free preservation solution and a standard hypothermic method in renal allografts. [January, 2005], (ii)Static normothermic preservation of renal allografts using a novel non-phosphate buffered preservation solution. [January, 2005]
M.D Kay, S.A Hosgood, S.J.F Harper, M.L. Nicholson; Renal Transplant Unit, Leicester General Hospital, England, UK. Audit Trial Report III: Assessment of a novel non-phosphate preservation solution, AQIX® RS-I, under hypothermic and normothermic static storage conditions. [May, 2005]
M.D Kay, S.A Hosgood, S.J.F Harper, M.L. Nicholson; Renal Transplant Unit, Leicester General Hospital, England, UK. Audit Trial Report TR-1: The Investigation between AQIX® RS-I under hypothermic static storage conditions involving HTK, Soltran® in comparison to Machine Perfused KPS-1® solutions in long-term preservation using a porcine kidney model. [Feb, 2007]
W.C. Biddle, Life Technologies Inc., Buffalo, NY, USA. Summary Report: Evaluation of Res-Del® Solutions in embryonic stem (ES) cell culture for their potential in supporting cell attachment and growth, and as a holding media.
CRO - Reports
D. Rees, Animal Physiology Research Unit, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The effect of meclofenamate on the isolated rat uterus perifused with Res-Del® RS-I mammalian solution in a Res-Del® 589 perfusion bath. [April,1992]
D. Rees and J.E. Dalziel, Animal Physiology Research Unit, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. A critical appraisal on the pharmacology of Betamethasone. Research Report Bulletin; Organon-Technika Ltd,. Belgium, [May, 1994]
P.G.C. Douch and P.E. Morum, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Wallaceville, Wellington, NZ. Bioassay of Leukotrienes from Sheep intestine. [November, 1987]