软骨3D厚度轮廓测试分析仪,3D THICKNESS MAPPING,关节表面轮廓绘图分析仪,关节软骨的压痕试验机,关节软骨的压痕实验系统
软骨3D厚度轮廓测试分析仪,3D THICKNESS MAPPING,关节表面轮廓绘图分析仪

使用测力传感器下方的针形探针3D厚度映射,可以在较硬的基材(例如,骨头上的软骨层)上绘制材料的表面轮廓和厚度。 这是通过“ XY扫描”和“查找接触”功能完成的。 “查找接触”功能以恒定的速率移动针头,直到它刺入上部材料(例如软骨)表面,并在检测到过渡到更硬的材料(例如骨骼)时停止。 表面的垂直位置(载荷开始增加的位置)与界面的垂直位置(位移/力曲线中的个拐点)之间的差提供了垂直厚度。 可以使用先前使用MachOne Motion软件中的“正常压痕”功能获得的表面方向来计算厚度分布。
Sensitivity of indentation testing to step-off edges and interface integrity in cartilage repair
Bae W, Law A, Amiel D and Sah R
Ann Biomed Eng, 32(3), 360-369. (2004)
Step-off edges and tissue interfaces are prevalent in cartilage injury such as after intra-articular fracture and reduction, and in focal defects and surgical repair procedures such as osteochondral graft implantation. It would be useful to assess the function of injured or donor tissues near such step-off edges and the extent of integration at material interfaces. The objective of this study was to determine if indentation testing is sensitive to the presence of step-off edges and the integrity of material interfaces, in both in vitro simulated repair samples of bovine cartilage defect filled with fibrin matrix, and in vivo biological repair samples from a goat animal model. Indentation stiffness decreased at locations approaching a step-off edge, a lacerated interface, or an integrated interface in which the distal tissue was relatively soft. The indentation stiffness increased or remained constant when the site of indentation approached an integrated interface in which the distal tissue was relatively stiff or similar in stiffness to the tissue being tested. These results indicate that indentation testing is sensitive to step-off edges and interface integrity, and may be useful for assessing cartilage injury and for following the progression of tissue integration after surgical treatments.
Indentation probing of human articular cartilage: effect on chondrocyte viability
Bae W, Schumacher B and Sah R
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 15(1), 9-18. (2007)
BACKGROUND: Clinical arthroscopic probes based on indentation testing are being developed. However, the biological effects of certain design parameters (i.e., tip geometry and size) and loading protocols (i.e., indentation depth, rate, and repetition) on human articular cartilage are unclear.
OBJECTIVE: Determine if indenter design and indentation protocol modulate mechanical injury of probed cartilage samples. METHODS: The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of indentation testing using clinically applicable tips (0.4mm radius, plane- or sphere-ended) and protocols (indentation depths of 100, 200, or 300 microm, applied at a rate of 50 or 500 microm/s) on the extent and the pattern of chondrocyte death, should it occur. Grossly normal osteochondral blocks were harvested from human talar dome, indented, stained with live/dead dyes, and imaged en face on a fluorescence microscope. RESULTS: The occurrence and the extent of cell death generally increased with indentation depth, being undetected at an indentation depth of 100 microm but marked at 300 microm. In addition, tip geometry affected the pattern of cell death: ring- and solid circle-shaped areas of cell deaths were apparent when compressed to 300 microm using plane- and sphere-ended indenters.CONCLUSION: Indenter design and indentation protocol modulated the extent and the pattern of chondrocyte death. These results have implications for designing indentation probes and protocols, as well as clinicians performing arthroscopic probing.
Development and Validation of Large-Sized Engineering Cartilage Constructs in Full-Thickness Chondral Defects in a Rabbit Model
Brenner J
Master thesis Queen's University. (2012)
Long-term applicability of current surgical interventions for the repair of articular cartilage is jeopardized by the formation of mechanically inferior repair tissue. Cartilage tissue engineering offers the possibility of developing functional repair tissue, similar to that of native cartilage, enabling long-lasting repair of cartilage defects. Current techniques, however, rely on the need for a large number of cells, requiring substantial harvesting of donor tissue or a separate cell expansion phase. As routine cell expansion methods tend to elicit negative effects on cell function, the following study describes an approach to generate large-sized engineered cartilage constructs (? 3 cm2) directly from a small number of immature rabbit chondrocytes (approximately 20,000), without the use of a scaffold. After characterizing the hyaline-like engineered constructs, the in vivo repair capacity was assessed in a chondral defect model in the patellar groove of rabbits. In vitro remodeling of the constructs developed in the bioreactor occurred as early as 3 weeks, with the histological staining exhibiting zonal differences throughout the depth of the tissue. With culturing parameters optimized (3 weeks growth under 15 mM NaHCO3), constructs were grown and implanted into critical-sized 4 mm chondral defects. Assessed after 1, 3 and 6 months (n=6), implants were sd macroscopically to evaluate integration and survival of the implants. Out of 18 rabbits, 16 received normal or nearly normal over-all repair assessment. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation showed good integration with surrounding cartilage and underlying subchondral bone. Architectural remodeling of the constructs was present at each time point, with the presence of flattened chondrocytes at the implant surface and columnar arrangement of chondrocytes in deeper zones. The observation of in vivo remodeling was also supported by the changes in biochemical composition of the constructs. At each time point, constructs had a collagen to proteoglycan ratio similar to that of native cartilage (3:1 collagen to proteoglycan). In contrast, the repair tissue for each control group was inferior to that produced with treated defects. These initial results hold promise for the generation of engineered articular cartilage for the clinical repair of cartilage defects without the limitations of current surgical repair strategies.