现货促销 循环肿瘤细胞分离装置,ScreenCell MB KIT,ScreenCell CC KIT,ScreenCell Cyto KIT,

型号:ScreenCell MB KIT,ScreenCell CC KIT,ScreenCell Cyto KIT
品牌:法国screencell mb kit,screencell cc kit,screencell cyto kit

法国ScreenCell循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)分选产品-- 现货促销 

ScreenCell®  MB KIT,ScreenCell®  CC KIT,ScreenCell®  Cyto KIT



ScreenCell®  MB KIT分子生物套装3支/盒 现货促销  
ScreenCell®  CC KIT细胞培养套装3支/盒 现货促销  
ScreenCell®  Cyto KIT细胞学套装4支/盒 现货促销  

循环肿瘤细胞分离装置,ScreenCell  MB KIT,ScreenCell  CC KIT,ScreenCell  Cyto KIT 是目前国际同类产品中性价比zui高的产品,在欧美CTCs科研领域已被广泛使用。wu需要购置专用设备,客户在自己的实验室中,利用常规仪器即可随时完成方便、准确、高效、快速的CTCs检测,并且可以对分选出来的CTCs细胞进行后续的培养、染色等处理。

ScreenCell size-exclusion device features
  • Ready to use
  • Disposable
  • Self-contained, safe handling
  • Bar coded
  • CTC separation from blood in three minutes
  • CE-IVD

 ScreenCell® Isolation Devices




 ScreenCell® Dilution Buffers

ScreenCell® Fixed Cells (FC2) Dilution Buffer

The ScreenCell® FC2 dilution buffer is essentially for pathocytological studies, including cell enumeration, cytology, immunochemistry and FISH assays (accessorily, molecular biology applications are possible through laser microdissection). It allows lysis of RBCs before filtration while preserving other cells. This buffer is for cytology, immunochemistry and molecular biology applications on fixed cells.

ScreenCell® Live Cells (LC) Dilution Buffer

The ScreenCell® CC dilution buffer is for isolation of live cells for cell culture directly on the filter after filtration through: (i) the ScreenCell® CC filtration device for further cytological applications; (ii) the ScreenCell® MB filtration device for further molecular biology (DNA/RNA extraction) applications. It allows a mild lysis of red blood cells (RBCs) before filtration while leaving other cells alive.

 Training Courses

ScreenCell offers hands-on instrument training sessions as well as applications-based courses on the use of the ScreenCell® devices and protocols in cell biology, cell culture and molecular biology which apply to rare circulating cells.

Protocols may be customized according to project objectives
