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post-translational modification
Place of Origin:
United States
MtoZ Biolabs
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    "Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are covalent and usually enzymatic modifications on proteins. Common PTMs include phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, glycosylation, and so on. These PTMs can cause huge influences on protein structure, distribution, and function, hence, increasing the complexity of proteome to a greater extent. Protein PTMs is generally analyzed by measuring the mass increased on the modified peptides. Since PTMs are generally present in very low abundance, specific enrichment procedures are required before PTMs identification. MtoZ Biolabs has established a powerful and professional PTMs analysis platform, which includes Thermo Fisher Q ExactiveHF and Obitrap Fusion Lumos mass analyzer system, coupled with Nano-LC system. Our aim is to provide the most professional support for our clients’ research. Visit http://www.mtoz-biolabs.com/protein-ptms-identification.html for service details. "

    MtoZ Biolabs is an international contract research organization (CRO) providing advanced proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical analysis services to researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical fields. It is specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms, coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology.
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