Synthesis Reagents

We offer an extensive range of products for DNA and RNA synthesis including: synthesis supports, columns for 3' labeling and specialty amidites. These products are available for all of our fluorophores and quenchers as well as for many non-fluorescent labels.


We offer a broad range of, fluorophore reporter, non-fluorescing quencher and specialty modification phosphoramidites for 5’ and internal modifications of chemically synthesized DNA.

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For synthesizing DNA or RNA we offer an extensive range of controlled pore glass (CPG) including standard nucleoside DNA and RNA supports. For labeling and synthesis of dual labeled probes we offer 3’ specialty modifications, fluorescent and BHQ quencher CPG. Our supports are packed in columns which are compatible with most automated DNA/RNA synthesizers, or are offered as bulk CPG’s.

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Synthesis & Purification Accessories

We offer Micropure purification columns intended for reverse-phase purification of 5'-dimethoxytrityl protected oligonucleotides and our Microsync ll vacuum manifold system for rapid, efficient purification of many samples simultaneously. We also offer empty synthesis columns and standard frits for customers who prefer to pack their own columns.

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We offer an extensive range of products for DNA and RNA synthesis including: synthesis supports and columns for 3' labeling and specialty amidites. These products are available for all of our fluorophores as well as for many non-fluorescent labels. 

To see which DNA/RNA synthesis columns are compatible with your synthesizer, view our Column Selection Guide.

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