美国伯乐 BIO-RAD www.bio-rad.com
Life Science (Research, Education, Process Separations, Food Science)
中国上海市浦东新区东方路18号保利广场E栋3楼, 200120
Bio-Rad Laboratories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
3rd Floor, Build E Poly Plaza, No.18 Dong Fang Road, Pudong
Shanghai, China 200120
Tel: +86 21 6169 8500
Fax: +86 21 6169 8599
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Life Science (Research, Education, Process Separations, Food Science)
广州市环市东路403号国际电子大厦1302-03室, 510095
Guangzhou Office
1302-03/F GIE Tower, No.403 Huan Shi Road East
Guangzhou, China 510095
Tel: +86 20 8732 2339
Fax: +86 20 8732 2332
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Life Science (Research, Education, Process Separations, Food Science)
湖北省武汉市汉口区解放大道634号新世界中心B座1202室, 430032
Wuhan Office
1202/F, Tower B New World Centre, No.634 Jiefang Avenue,Hankou,Wuhan
Hubei, China 430032
Tel: +86 27 8380 6255
Fax: +86 27 8380 6265
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Life Science (Research, Education, Process Separations, Food Science)
Beijing Office
22nd Floor, Build A Phoenix Place, No.5 Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China 100028
Tel: +86 10 5939 0088
Fax: 86 10 5939 0160
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Clinical Diagnostics
中国上海市浦东新区东方路18号保利广场E栋3楼, 200120
Bio-Rad Laboratories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
3rd Floor, Build E Poly Plaza, No.18 Dong Fang Road, Pudong
Shanghai, China 200120
Tel: +86 21 6169 8500
Fax: +86 21 6169 8599
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Clinical Diagnostics
湖北省武汉市汉口区解放大道634号新世界中心B座1202室, 430032
Wuhan Office
1202/F, Tower B New World Centre, No.634 Jiefang Avenue,Hankou,Wuhan
Hubei, China 430032
Tel: +86 27 8380 6255
Fax: +86 27 8380 6265
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Clinical Diagnostics
广州市环市东路403号国际电子大厦1302-03室, 510095
Guangzhou Office
1302-03/F GIE Tower, No.403 Huan Shi Road East
Guangzhou, China 510095
Tel: +86 20 8732 2339
Fax: +86 20 8732 2332
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
Clinical Diagnostics
北京朝阳区曙光西里5号A栋凤凰置地广场22楼, 100028
Beijing Office
22nd Floor, Build A Phoenix Place, No.5 Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China 100028
Tel: +86 10 5939 0088
Fax: 86 10 5939 0160
E-mail: Sales.China@bio-rad.com
北京 100028
22nd Floor, Building A, Phoenix Place, No.5 Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100028
Email: informatics.china@bio-rad.com
北京 北京元业伯乐科技发展有限公司(Bio-Rad 680酶标仪,1575洗板机全国总代理) 北京市朝阳区曙光西里甲6号时间国际中心A座2006 100028 电话∶010-51668468、010-58677182至87 传真∶010-58677189 E-mail∶wenli_wang2004@sina.com |
代理区域∶江苏省、安徽省 南京 南京润亚生物科技发展有限公司 南京市公园路44号体育大厦2304室 210001 电话∶025-85011161 传真∶025-85011159 E-mail∶chenxiaojie@263.net |
代理区域∶浙江省、江西省 杭州 杭州宝诚科技有限公司 杭州市庆春路11号凯旋门商业中心26楼G座 310009 电话∶0571-87242047, 842720577 传真∶0571-87895217< E-mail∶shijueliang@bao-cheng.com.cn |
代理区域∶广东省、广西壮族自冶区 广州 广州市昊洋贸易有限公司 广州市先烈中路102号华盛大厦南塔1107号 510080 电话∶020-37663997, 37660433 传真∶020-37662840 E-mail∶sales@gzhaoyang.com |
代理区域∶四川省、云南省、贵州省、重庆市 成都 成都百乐科技有限公司 成都市成科西路863软件孵化中心3号B座4-5房 610041 电话∶028-85298430, 85256269 传真∶028-85298452 E-mail∶Brcdxiao@163.net |
重庆 成都百乐科技有限公司重庆办事处 重庆市九龙坡区石桥铺科园二路7号彩甸苑4栋7-3单元 400039 电话∶023-86187762 传真∶023-86187762 E-mail∶Brcdyangjun@163.net |
昆明 成都百乐科技有限公司昆明办事处 昆明市北京路612号银海国际公寓D座7层 650051 电话∶0871-3182532 传真∶0871-3193590 E-mail∶Dengwei8@vip.sina.com |
代理区域∶新疆维吾尔自治区 乌鲁木齐 乌鲁木齐祥生仪器有限公司 乌鲁木齐市奇台路73号宏业大厦1128室 830000 电话∶0991-5862527,5862146,5862406 传真∶0991-5868379 E-mail∶xj_yjs@126.com |
代理区域∶福建省 厦门 厦门市世德行实业有限公司 厦门市海沧新阳工业区新嘉路131号 361026 电话∶0592-5313556, 5313557 传真∶0592-2095294,5313558 E-mail∶james_wsy@126.com |
代理区域∶湖南省,湖北省 武汉 广州三元科技有限公司武汉办事处 武汉市武昌区阅马场云鹤大厦1203室 430071 电话∶027-88062461, 88072130 传真∶027-88084683 E-mail∶wuhan@gzsyco.com |
长沙 广州三元科技有限公司长沙办事处 长沙市芙蓉中路二段11号碧云天大厦20楼D号 410011 电话∶0731-4443138, 4441848 传真∶0731-2236778 E-mail∶changsha@gzsyco.com |
代理区域∶海南省 海口 海南新卫医药有限公司 海口市人民大道26号吉欣广场吉祥阁7A 570208 电话∶0898-66288460, 66288461, 66288462 传真∶0898-66288463 E-mail∶lingxu8460@hnxwyy.com |
代理区域∶上海 (高校,研究所) 代理产品:除PCR仪外的产品 上海 上海达迈生物科技有限公司 上海市凯旋路3500号华苑大厦1号楼12层E座 200030 电话∶021-51871699 传真∶021-51521299 E-mail∶jiang.wang@dynamaxbiotech.com |
代理区域∶上海 (高校,研究所) 代理产品:PCR仪 上海 上海宝赛生物科技有限公司 上海市漕溪路250号银海大厦B601室 200040 电话∶021-64518230 传真∶021-64518216 E-mail∶willing.xu@263.net |
代理区域∶上海 (农科院系统,政府机构,部分市级研究所) 代理产品:含PCR仪 上海 上海富众医学科技有限公司 上海市莲花南路1500弄8-9号511室 201108 电话∶021-33580391, 33580392 传真∶021-33580389 E-mail∶13311887719@133sh.com |
香港 (直销) Bio-rad Pacific Ltd. 香港鲗鱼涌华兰路25号大昌行商业中心11字楼1101室 电话∶852-2789 3300 传真∶852-2789 1290 E-mail∶Sales.HongKong@bio-rad.com |
Bio-Rad Laboratories has played a leading role in the advancement of scientific discovery for over 50 years by providing a broad range of innovative tools and services to the life science research and clinical diagnostics markets. Founded in 1952, Bio-Rad has a global team of more than 6,500 employees and serves more than 85,000 research and industry customers worldwide through its global network of operations. Throughout its existence, Bio-Rad has built strong customer relationships that advance scientific research and development efforts and support the introduction of new technology used in the growing fields of genomics, proteomics, drug discovery, food safety, medical diagnostics, and more.
Life Science Group:
Bio-Rad's Life Science Group develops, manufactures, and markets a wide range of laboratory instruments, apparatus, and consumables used for research in functional genomics, proteomics, and food safety. The group ranks among the top 5 life science companies worldwide, and maintains a solid reputation for quality, innovation, and commitment to its customers. Bio-Rad's life science products are based on technologies used to separate, purify, analyze, identify, and amplify biological materials such as proteins and nucleic acids. Some of these technologies include electrophoresis, imaging, multiplex immunoassay, chromatography, microbiology, bioinformatics, protein function analysis, transfection, amplification, and real-time PCR. Researchers in laboratories throughout the world rely on Bio-Rad's products.
Clinical Diagnostics Group:
Clinical Diagnostics develops, manufactures, sells, and supports a large portfolio of products for medical screening and diagnostics. Bio-Rad is the leading specialty diagnostics company in the world and its products are recognized as the gold standard for diabetes monitoring and quality control (QC) systems. The company is also well known for its blood virus testing and detection, blood typing, autoimmune and genetic disorders testing, and internet-based software products. Bio-Rad's clinical diagnostics products incorporate a broad range of technologies used to detect, identify, and quantify substances in bodily fluids and tissues. The results are used as aids to support medical diagnosis, detection, evaluation, and the
Bio-Rad was founded in 1952 by David and Alice Schwartz, who remain actively involved in the company today. David Schwartz is Chairman of the Board and Alice is a director. Their son Norman Schwartz, with the company since 1974, is CEO and president.
The name "Bio-Rad" is based on the words "biochemicals and radiochemicals," which described the company's first offerings. However, instead of calling the company "Biochemical-Radiochemical Laboratories," the founders shortened it to simply Bio-Rad Laboratories.
For more than 50 years, Bio-Rad has retained the entrepreneurial spirit of its early days. Its founders launched the company in a Quonset hut in West Berkeley, California, and developed their first product, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Preparing TMV was a laborious task and the founders believed that providing it in a ready-to-use format would save scientists valuable time and effort, allowing them to focus on their research.
Although TMV was not the success envisioned, the seed was planted and Bio-Rad began its charter to accelerate scientific discovery processes by providing products and tools for researchers.
In the 1950s, Bio-Rad introduced the first analytical grade ion exchange resins for laboratory research applications, launching the company's Life Science Group. In 1957 Bio-Rad incorporated and in 1958 relocated its headquarters to Richmond, California. By 1966 the company sold its stock to the public and expanded internationally with its first overseas office in Germany.
Bio-Rad's early success with ion exchange resin products led to inquiries from physicians and hospital pathologists seeking a more reliable method for determining thyroid function. In conjunction with the medical community, Bio-Rad introduced the T-4 (thyroxine) thyroid test in 1967, the first commercially available test to accurately determine thyroid function. By the early 1970s Bio-Rad had developed tests for a variety of other medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, lead poisoning, and anemia, paving the way for the formation of the company's Clinical Diagnostics Group.
During the 1970s Bio-Rad entered the electrophoresis market with reagents, systems, and equipment, and today the company is a worldwide market leader in electrophoresis products. Bio-Rad's advancements in electrophoresis put the company at the forefront of unlocking the secrets of life contained in DNA and determining how genetic information translates into living organisms.
Over the years, Bio-Rad has evolved into a global enterprise that manufactures and distributes a broad range of products around the world. In 1975 Bio-Rad entered the quality controls market with the acquisition of Environmental Chemical Specialties, and today Bio-Rad is the number one supplier of quality controls worldwide.
In 1997 Bio-Rad launched its Biotechnology Explorer science educational program, giving high school and college students the opportunity to learn how real-world methods and applications work on instruments used in laboratories today.
The 1999 acquisition of Pasteur Sanofi Diagnostics, based in France, further broadened Bio-Rad's offerings with products for blood virus testing (HIV and hepatitis), microbiology and autoimmunity testing products, and the notable introduction of its bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or "mad cow") test in 2000.
Today, Bio-Rad products are used in hospitals, universities, major research institutions, biotechnology companies, reference laboratories, pharmaceutical firms, and classrooms around the world. Bio-Rad's key competencies include separation, purification, and analysis, and the company is a leader in electrophoresis, protein assays, gel image analysis, quality controls, diabetes monitoring, autoimmune testing, blood typing, and BSE and chronic wasting disease testing.
The company's open-door style of leadership and entrepreneurial spirit inspires its employees, who are encouraged to develop new ideas. As a result Bio-Rad continues to thrive and plays a leading role in the advancement of scientific discovery, helping people live longer, healthier lives.