
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . ViruSure

德国ViruSure  www.virusure.com
ViruSure 专注于病毒和朊病毒生物安全测试及相关的监管与咨询服务。该公司成立于2005年,由维也纳兽医大学分拆而成。该公司在维亚纳总部拥有17名员工和先进的 S1-S3 实验室。
ViruSure is a privately owned biotech company specialising in the pathogen safety testing of biopharmaceutical products

we offer contract testing services and a breadth of expertise to help your product satisfy all pathogen safety testing requirements

we are a cutting edge partner dedicated to providing, first and foremost, a quality service to the biopharmaceutical industry

...call or email us today and take advantage of our experience in the virus & prion safety of biotech products!