
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

意大利 . 康帕斯
Optika Microscopes

意大利康帕斯显微镜(OPTIKA Microscopes)  www.optikamicroscopes.com
Optika Microscopes is the optical microscopy division of M.A.D. Apparecchiature Scientifiche, a Company established over 30 years ago as a key actor in the field of scientific instrumentation.

A team of over 40 people in 4 European locations works on the development of new models, on production, on quality control, on supply and aftersales service. A network of local distributors extends to the end users the Optika excellence in quality, innovation, competitive prices and assistance.
Optika Microscopes is the optical microscopy division of M.A.D. Apparecchiature Scientifiche, a Company established over 30 years ago as a key actor in the field of scientific instrumentation.
A team of over 40 people in 4 European locations works on the development of new models, on production, on quality control, on supply and aftersales service. A network of local distributors extends to the end users the Optika excellence in quality, innovation, competitive prices and assistance.

To the present day, Optika Microscopes offers more than 80 different microscope models, with full accessories, for the most diverse fields of optical microscopy.
A challenging market, that Optika Microscopes approaches with professionality and commitment.