
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Falmouth
Falmouth Scientific

美国Falmouth科学仪器有限公司(Falmouth Scientific,Inc)  www.falmouth.com

FSI is an industry leader in design and manufacture of precision oceanographic instrumentation. Founded in1989, FSI supplies affordable, rugged, scientific-grade Conductivity, Temperature and Depth sensors (CTD) for high-accuracy Salinity and Sound Velocity, as well as Current Meters, and Wave/Tide Meters. The instruments are used worldwide for coastal and oceanographic research, military, commercial, and educational projects.
FSI also offers specialty manufacturing and systems engineering. Current projects include specialized acoustic transducers, innovative solar-powered automated underwater vehicles (SAUV), tethered/untethered gateway communications buoys/telemetry systems, and specialized sensors/systems for oil and gas rig vibration monitoring.







Updated 12/19/08


Thank you for showing interest in Falmouth Scientific, Inc. Located in Cataumet, Massachusetts, FSI has proven itself to be a leading manufacturer of equipment and techniques to measure various physical properties of water and its surroundings. FSI was founded by Alan Fougere and incorporated in 1989. Today, we have grown to over 30 employees and have sales representatives in 27 countries. Over two-thirds of our sales are outside of North America to many different marketplaces including oceanographic research institutes, academic communities, fisheries, engineering firms, industrial process industries, and governments world wide.

In September of 2002, FSI merged with Acoustikos, Inc. an engineering firm specializing in the design and development of acoustic instrumentation which was founded by former owners of Datasonics. Datasonics which was purchased Benthos, Inc. in 1999, was a leading manufacturer of underwater acoustic instrumentation.

The company's first product was a precision serial output thermometer designed for high accuracy measurement of oceanographic temperature. This product led to FSI's first product line, a series of digital output sensors for the high precision measurement of temperature, pressure and conductivity. These technologies were the building blocks upon which the company's first CTD product, the Integrated CTD (ICTD), was based. These instruments remain staple products of FSI. Since these developments, our product line has grown to include a Three Dimensional Acoustic Current Meter, a Water Sampling System, Ocean Sensor Module, and a Solar-powered AUV.

Today, many of our products are setting new industry standards for quality. Our commitment to high quality combined with constant innovation has earned FSI a reputation for superior reliability and performance. Users are now able to work with one vendor to achieve full buoy systems and complete equipment integration.

Many of our products including the ICTD, OEM CT Sensors, Ocean Sensor Modules, and Three- Dimensional Acoustic Current Meter have been developed in association with Neil Brown, a world renowned leader in high-accuracy physical measurement systems. This technology and the commitment of our highly trained staff of customer service and development engineers is the heart of FSI and the key to our success.