江苏其林贝尔 www.ql-lab.com
海门市其林贝尔仪器制造有限公司地处黄海之滨、长江入海口,与上海隔江相望,“全国卫生城市”、“全国百强县(市)” 境内。是生产实验室仪器、塑料耗材的专业公司,其产品在国内科研领域享有较高的信誉,长期以来,我公司本着“品质造就满意”的最高服务理念,与各高等学府、科研院所紧密合作。使产品不断提高、不断更新,为追求产品零缺陷而努力。
Kylin-Bell Lab Instruments Co.,Ltd.is located at the entrance of the Yangtze River,along the coast of the Yellow Sea and oppostite to Shanghai across the River.The city Haimen in which it lies,is renowned as"National Hygienic City" and "Top 100 National Counties(cities)".Our company is specialized in producing lab instruments and plastic consumption materials,which have won high reputation in the domestic science and resarch field.In the light of the highest service principle of "Quality Brings up Satisfaction",we have long worked closely with various universities and institues to unceasingly upgrade our products and to guarantee our costumers highesr quality.
Kylin-Bell has come to lead in Chinese market in several products and many of then have spread into the European markey.In the hope of "making a difference in serving scientific resarch",Kylin-Bell Instruments is ready to make uninterrupted progress in further achievements of World's scientific research.