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意大利 . Optec S.P.A
Optec S.P.A

意大利Optec S.P.A  www.optecinc.com
意大利Optec S.P.A 是欧洲专业的镜头提供商,目前在X-ray领域为Thales, Phillips, Siemens, GMM等多家国际著名医疗设备商提供多达百种的X-ray专业镜头,同时也提供各类红外镜头。
Founded in 1985, Optec is the Italian firm reference leader in optical, optoelectronic and optomechanic sector, in Europe and in the world.

Our customized development for many of Industry sectors, represents for us the engine of our high standard solutions, and represents for our Customers the correct answer for each problem who tumble in Optec's action area.

Studies carried out inside Optec, are often presents in several technical publications; inside Collana di Ottica e Fotonica, a technical Italian publications which contains different and interesting articles, and which is going to receive the 8th volume (Winter School on Optoelectronics and Photonics), Optec has given a contribute with the 4th volume "Elements of Optical design", written by our professional engaging in private Industry and in research area.

For index of all volumes you can visit the SIOF publications page, at http://siof.ifac.cnr.it/pubblica.htm index is in Italian language.

Since its start up in 1985, Optec is more than a manufacturer. It is a service organization with a proven record of successful performance. Optec is always driven by its dedication to serving Customer needs and by its commitment to producing quality products with high performance, with particular reference to optical sector. Optec's standard and custom products are a result of experience in imaging applications. In the beginning, Optec provided only lenses, now they offer to complete integrated systems. By providing the complete system, Optec is able to optimize system performance rather than just individual component performance. Optec has a particular attention to research field, which has conduct us to collaborate with most of important Industry in Aerospace and Imaging sectors.