热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

其他国家 . NidaCon
NidaCon International

瑞典NidaCon International AB  www.nidacon.com
瑞典NidaCon International AB  www.nidacon.com



Ming-Mei Technology Co., Ltd
Beijing Office
Room 1103, 5th Building
No. 6, ZuoJiaZhuang Zhong Jie
Chao Yang District
Beijing 100028
P. R. China

Tel: +86-10-8460 4415
Fax: +86-10-6467 5898



Shanghai Office
Room 1302, No. 1
Lane 299
Luban Road
Shanghai 200023

Tel: +86-(0)21-6304 5605
Fax. +86-(0)21-6304 4628

It all started with a burning passion for more knowledge and the possibility of making a difference. We didn’t really appreciate the culture media already available for preparing, maintaining and culturing gametes plus many laboratories were preparing their own media. This was the motivator for 23 years of bench research on embryos and the development of new IVF systems. Much of the research was gathered into the founding of a couple of companies in the early 1990’s, and some of these, including NidaCon are still thriving.

The team at NidaCon and the colleagues in the field are still working with that burning passion to find new solutions to improve the outcome of ART.

Our Business Mission
NidaCon continually strives to improve the outcome of ART, more pregnancies, by developing superior media systems for clinics, patients and the animal breeding industry.

Our Vision
To improve life’s journey