其他国家 . Dairei

 丹麦 DAIREI 是一家具有 40年低温设备生产研发经验的生产商,他们生产的MYBIO系列冰箱/储存箱,性能稳定可靠,低噪音,能耗低,故障率低.更有其全球专利的单级压缩机制冷技术,保证其在超低温冰箱生产的全球领先技术.
Dairei means "big cooling" in Japanese. Our longterm strategy and innovative development of high performance products have proven Dairei to be one of the leading companies for ultra low and low temperature products for more than 20 years.

We aim to become the leading company worldwide within high performance cooling technology based on our world patented refrigerants and freezers in the ultra low and low temperature business.To service in the life science sector for all requirements in the cooling and freezing segment.
Dairei Europe A/S was founded in February 2002 with Nihon Freezer, Dairei Co. Ltd. Japan and Mr. Lars Ole Jensen as managing director. Mr. Jensen had the opportunity to found Dairei Europe A/S through his prior connections and global sales experience. He started working from his home until he moved into a small office in Esbjerg City. In 2004 Mr. Jensen hired two employees to help him with the fast growing business producing high performance cooling products in the laboratory and medical segment.


In 2005 the company moved to bigger facilities in Esbjerg. This step gave the opportunity to have stock and office in same place. On that time the company counted 6 employees.


In 2007 the company moved again into to bigger premises in the industrial area of Esbjerg due to the need of larger office, stock facilities and warehouse. This was because of the tremendous growth since the start and in early 2008 the office area was expanded.


Today Dairei Europe has 15 employees and factories in Denmark and Europe. Another huge step was also done in late 2007 when Dairei was becoming ISO 9001 certified.