法国 . Ponsel

法国Ponsel 是法国一家专业生产水质监测仪器的生产厂家。其水质产品在欧美国家畅销五十年。


l 美观大方,坚固耐用,性能可靠是Ponsel能够行销50年的诀窍

l 是一种理想的仪器对于控制水或其他液体中溶解氧的浓度

l 依据电化学原理,的溶解氧传感器,响应时间短

l 备有均压装置,更适于深水的测量


NEOTEK-PONSEL manufactures instrumentations for water quality. We provide practical solutions to all professional working in wastewater, drinking water, scientists involved in field and laboratory conditions.

PONSEL has been manufacturing and marketing water quality monitoring instruments and probes for the French market since 1950, with a 55 year track record of reliable service.
Manufacturing unit, shipping, R & D team, after sales support and hot line, as well as maintenance are located in the Brittany region (France), in Guidel, near the city of Lorient.

Since its acquisition by NEOTEK SAS, PONSEL ambition is to become a global player and progressively market its superior product worldwide thanks to an innovative development based.

In less than 4 years, PONSEL has launched the following ranges worldwide :
-ACTEON 2000 : A wide range of 10 transmitters to measure pH, Temp, ORP, DO, Optical DO, Conducivity, Salinity, Suspended solids, Turbidity, Nephelometry, Sludge blanket detection...
-AQUA range : 3 small ultra low power SDI-12 digital multiparameter probes
-ODEON : A wide range of handheld single or multiparameters digital meters
-Digital probes : Modbus RS485 / SDI-12 probes to measure pH/ORP Temp, DO (Optical technology), Turbidity, conductivity...

The products address customers ranging from governmental or private organisations in charge of environmental monitoring or water resources, to producers of drinking waters, fish farms, shell farms, and of course education.


NEOTEK is an international supplier and manufacturer of electronic instrumentation and systems for environmental and hydrological monitoring, meteorology, oceanography, and positioning technologies.

NEOTEK is servicing a large spectrum of customers, ranging from Defence agencies or corporations to industrial, scientific or educational organisations.

NEOTEK’s experienced R&D team of engineers and technicians combined with high profile sales and marketing staff are dedicated to provide the most reliable and technologically advanced solutions answering their customers requirements.

Newly equipped Service and Manufacturing facilities are fully ISO 9001 compliant.

The NEOTEK Group Headquarters are located in France, within a 15 minutes drive South West of Paris.