美国Plas-Labs www.plas-labs.com
Plas-Labs 全自动控制厌氧手套箱
SIM International CO, Ltd.
Room 14A05, 14 Fl.,
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No. 4 Fufeng RD, Science City
Fentgtai, BJ, 100071 CHINA
E-mail: Sciences@163bj.com
tel: 86-108-382-1486
fax: 86-108-381-1149
Shanghai Office
23D Lancun Building, 1381 Dong Fang Rd.
Shanghai 200127, P.R., China
tel: 86-21-50890199 fax: 86-21-50890166
E-mail: info@its-science-china.com
Cuangzhou Office:
27F Talent Height, 1008 Binjiang Dong Rd.
Guangzhou, 510220, P.R., China
tel: 86-20-34313360 fax: 86-20-34313085
E-mail: info-guangzhou@its-science-china.com
tel: 86 21 61415566
fax: 86 21 61415567
Plas-Labs is the world leader in acrylic glove boxes, anaerobic chambers, nitrogen dry glove boxes, and HEPA filtered isolation glove boxes. Since 1967, Plas-Labs' product line of glove boxes have been used in research laboratories all over the world. Our hypoxia chamber glove box is the latest in CO2 control, oxygen control, and temperature controlled containment systems.
Plas-Labs offers a two-year warranty on all glove boxes. We produce equipment to help you product RESULTS! Clearly your best choice!"