丹麦雷度 Radiometer www.radiometer.com.au www.radiometer.cn
上海市 200335
电话: +86 21-6128 6466
传真: +86 21-6128 6488
E-mail: info@radiometer.cn
Radiometer is the world leader in the development, manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced critical care testing systems for blood gas, electrolytes and metabolites.
The company offers complete solutions to the complex process of blood gas analysis through the use of innovative instrumentation, sampling products and information technology, supported by world-class customer and technical support.
Radiometer’s blood gas testing solutions meet the needs of both the traditional central laboratory and the increasing number of point of care sites in today’s hospital environment.
Radiometer is owned by the Danaher Corporation.
Radiometer Pacific P/L
Radiometer Pacific is the Australasian market leader in the field of high technology medical instrumentation. Radiometer Pacific employs over 30 staff throughout Australia and New Zealand in sales and support for the products that we sell.
For more information about how Radiometer Pacific is organised, go to Group Structure.
For the history of Radiometer Pacific, go to History.
Our way: Red System
Radiometer's high-quality and cost-effective solutions for diagnosing critically ill patients are customized with the Red System, Radiometer's approach for analyzing individual hospitals' needs and tailoring optimized solutions for them. Read more about the Red System.