
Watch webinars, animations, and video tutorials related to applications based on real-time PCR, SNP genotyping, and in situ hybridization.

30 Years of PCR History

From its birth Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR, changed the molecular biology world. In 1983 Kary Mullis conceived the concept of PCR while driving along Highway 128, en route to Mendocino County. While working at Cetus Corporation, Kary Mullis uses a SAM I DNA synthesizer from Biosearch to test his hypothesis, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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BHQplus Probe Applications

qPCR experts describe their experience overcoming challenges to assay design for diverse applications. The BHQplus® probe format presents a compact oligo design offering enhanced specificity for the detection of challenging target sequences and discrimination of sequence variations.

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PCR Past Present & Future Webinar

In this webinar Kary Mullis tells his story about his discovery of PCR, and is joined by expert panelists Stephen Bustin, and Reginald Beer who highlight current innovations in qPCR-based applications and next generation PCR technologies.

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qPCR Assay Design 101

Learn from a seasoned user the best practices and advanced featured available in the RealTimeDesign鈩 Software, a sophisticated tool for probe and primer qPCR assay design.

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Stellaris RNA FISH Full-Length Promotional Video

Learn about the Stellaris RNA FISH technology in this entertaining yet informative video that contains 3 segments: promotional introduction, animated RNA FISH mechanism, and interview portion discussing the applications of Stellaris FISH.

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