产品名称CytoTrapNano循环肿瘤细胞分选系统 ,CytoTrapNanoTM CTC Systems,CytoTrapNanoTM Chip ,CytoTrapNano? CTC Assay,CytoTrapNanoTM PDMS Substrate Cover,CytoTrapNano? Manual Chip Holder
产品货号CytoTrapNano循环肿瘤细胞分选系统 ,CytoTrapNanoTM CTC Systems,CytoTrapNanoTM Chip ,CytoTrapNano? CTC Assay,CytoTrapNanoTM PDMS Substrate Cover,CytoTrapNano? Manual Chip Holder


该系统为医疗保健和研究专业人员提供灵敏和特异的检测,用于检测和分析 CTC.

CytoTrapNano® 系统已用于同行评审研究,以从血液或其他液体样本中捕获稀有细胞,包括循环肿瘤细胞 (CTC) 和循环胎儿有核细胞 (CFNC)。

用生物素化抗体标记的细胞被专门捕获在 CytoTrapNano® 芯片上。

仅供科研使用 (RUO)。

专利技术平台——CytoTrapNano® 系统采用革命性的、专利的细胞亲和纳米结构基底分选平台、集成微流体系统和新型免疫化学程序。
高特异性和准确性 - CytoTrapNano® 系统捕获 CTC 的能力已得到证实,ICC 和高分辨率形态学进一步证实了这一点。
经验证的技术 - 在多个医疗机构进行科学验证,结果发表在具有高影响力的同行评审期刊上。

通过 CytoTrapNano® 设备捕获和识别 CTC 和其他稀有细胞

在 CytoTrapNano® 芯片上捕获和免疫荧光染色的细胞可以用荧光显微镜观察。* CytoTrapNano® 系统已用于临床研究以捕获来自前列腺癌、皮肤癌、胰腺癌、肝癌、肾癌和肺癌患者的 CTC。 这些设备还被用于临床研究,以捕获和识别从孕妇抽取的血液中的稀有胎儿细胞。 这些结果发表在高影响力期刊上。 

对于 CTC 相关研究,可以使用 RUO 试剂盒。 

CTC分选芯片-CytoTrapNanoTM 芯片(CytoTrapNano® Chip)

CytoTrapNanoTM 芯片是 Cytolumina Technologies 专有的微流体 CTC 捕获和筛选纳米技术产品。 该芯片有一个带有 3 个并行通道的纳米蚀刻面。 将芯片存放在 2-8°C.


CytoTrapNanoTM PDMS 底物盖,CytoTrapNanoTM  PDMS Substrate Cover

CytoTrapNanoTM PDMS 底物盖可确保芯片在 CTC 富集过程中牢固地固定在芯片架中。 盖子有一个包含入口和出口孔的纳米蚀刻面。 在室温 (20-25oC) 下储存 CytoTrapNanoTM PDMS 底物盖 

CytoTrapNano® 手动芯片架

CytoTrapNano® 手动芯片架是一种紧凑、简单的设备,可确保芯片和 PDMS 盖在 CTC 富集和固定过程中牢固固定以形成微流体通道。 CytoTrapNano® 芯片支架可与标准注射泵系统一起使用,以捕获 CytoTrapNano® 芯片上的细胞。

该平台已通过 Tygon 管 0.04" ID x 0.07" OD 和注射泵成功测试。


CytoTrapNanoTM 注射泵系统是一种易于使用的quan自动 CTC 富集和染色系统。 它通过 TR(热释放)-CytoTrapNanoTM 系统实现 CTC 收集和保存,用于分子检测开发.


Prostate Cancer

(1) Highly efficient capture of circulating tumor cells by using nanostructured silicon substrates with integrated chaotic micromixers. S Wang, K Liu, J Liu, ZTF Yu, X Xu, L Zhao, T Lee, EK Lee, J Reiss, ...Angewandte Chemie 123 (13), 3140-3144

(2) NanoVelcro Chip for CTC enumeration in prostate cancer patients. YT Lu, L Zhao, Q Shen, MA Garcia, D Wu, S Hou, M Song, X Xu, ...Methods 64 (2), 144-152

(3) High‐purity prostate circulating tumor cell isolation by a polymer nanofiber‐embedded microchip for whole exome sequencing. L Zhao, YT Lu, F Li, K Wu, S Hou, J Yu, Q Shen, D Wu, M Song, ... Advanced materials 25 (21), 2897-2902

(4) Subclassification of prostate cancer circulating tumor cells by nuclear size reveals very small nuclear circulating tumor cells in patients with visceral metastases. JF Chen, H Ho, J Lichterman, YT Lu, Y Zhang, MA Garcia, SF Chen, ...Cancer 121 (18), 3240-3251


(5) Polymer nanofiber‐embedded microchips for detection, isolation, and molecular analysis of single circulating melanoma cells. S Hou, L Zhao, Q Shen, J Yu, C Ng, X Kong, D Wu, M Song, X Shi, X Xu, ...Angewandte Chemie International Edon 52 (12), 3379-3383

Pancreatic Cancer

(6) Circulating tumour cells as a biomarker for diagnosis and staging in pancreatic cancer. JS Ankeny, CM Court, S Hou, Q Li, M Song, D Wu, JF Chen, T Lee, M Lin,...Brsh journal of cancer 114 (12), 1367 

(7) Circulating Tumor Cells Predict Occult Metastatic Disease and Prognosis in Pancreatic Cancer. JS Ankeny, S Sho, P Winograd, S Hou, M Song, ZA Wainberg, MD Girgis, ...Annals of Surgical Oncology, 1-9 

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

(8) Evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma circulating tumor cells expressing programmed death-ligand 1. P Winograd, S Hou, S Sadeghi, RS Finn, B DiPardo, Q Li, FM Kaldas, ...HPB 20, S2-S3 

(9) A Novel Multimarker Assay for the Phenotypic Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. CM Court, S Hou, P Winograd, NH Segel, QW Li, Y Zhu, S Sadeghi, ...Liver Transplantation 

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

(10) Programming thermoresponsiveness of NanoVelcro substrates enables effective purification of circulating tumor cells in lung cancer patients. Z Ke, M Lin, JF Chen, J Choi, Y Zhang, A Fong, AJ Liang, SF Chen, Q Li, ...ACS nano 9 (1), 62-70 

Kidney Cancer

(11) Combined cell surface carbonic anhydrase 9 and CD147 antigens enable high-efficiency capture of circulating tumor cells in clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients. S Liu, Z Tian, L Zhang, S Hou, S Hu, J Wu, Y Jing, H Sun, F Yu, L Zhao, ...Oncotarget 7 (37), 59877 

Fetal cells

(12) Imprinted NanoVelcro Microchips for Isolation and Characterization of Circulating Fetal Trophoblasts: Toward Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnostics (vol 11, pg 8167, 2017). S Hou, JF Chen, M Song, Y Zhu, YJ Jan, SH Chen, TH Weng, DA Ling, ...ACS NANO 11 (12), 12863-12863 

Review Articles

(13) Nanostructure embedded microchips for detection, isolation, and characterization of circulating tumor cells M Lin, JF Chen, YT Lu, Y Zhang, J Song, S Hou, Z Ke, HR Tseng Accounts of chemical research 47 (10), 2941-2950 

(14) NanoVelcro rare-cell assays for detection and characterization of circulating tumor cells. YJ Jan, JF Chen, Y Zhu, YT Lu, SH Chen, H Chung, M Smalley, ...Advanced drug delivery reviews 125, 78-93 

(15) Clinical applications of NanoVelcro rare-cell assays for detection and characterization of circulating tumor cells JF Chen, Y Zhu, YT Lu, E Hodara, S Hou, VG Agopian, JS Tomlinson, ...Theranostics 6 (9), 1425

(16) Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnostics: Recent Developments Using Circulating Fetal Nucleated Cells PJ Chen, PC Teng, Y Zhu, YJ Jan, M Smalley, Y Afshar, LC Chen, ...Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports, 1-8